[Biostudent] Class - ESRM 459

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Feb 5 00:20:50 PST 2024

How it counts in your degree will be dependent on your option. Petitionable as breadth is PHYS, Plant, MCD and 2nd lab, area 2 in General and Conservation in EEC.

Are you interested in traveling to Yellowstone National Park over spring break? Want to see wolves, explore US National Park Service management, put your GIS and wildlife skills to work, or catch and track a raven? If so, you may be interested in taking ESRM 459 Spring Quarter with Professors Aaron Wirsing, John Marzluff, and a third instructor TBD.

To be considered for the class, please email Dr. Wirsing (wirsinga at uw.edu) the following information before Feb. 2:

1. Your name, major, and class standing. Make sure to note if you are a student in the Wildlife Option at SEFS.

2. A 5 sentence (or less) paragraph stating your motivation to join the class and what you hope to learn/experience in the class.

Upon our review we will issue add codes for the class, which can be taken for either 3 or 5 credits.

Previous trip schedules, which will be similar this year but during the current break dates (March 16-23), can be found at: http://courses.washington.edu/vseminar/ynpsyl.htm. To fully cover travel, lodging and meals other than dinner, the class fee this year is $919.

A nice overview of the trip from 2017 can be found at: https://www.washington.edu/boundless/yellowstone-students/?utm_source=uwhp-topstory&utm_medium=readmore&utm_campaign=yellowstone-longform

Biology Advising
University of Washington, BOX 355320
318 Hitchcock Hall

Zoom drop-in advising hours (10-15 min meetings):

Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting https://washington.zoom.us/j/97207369544

Advising Sessions via EMAIL, PHONE, and ZOOM. In person advising available by appointment only.

Please include your name and student number in your emails.
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