[Biostudent] TWS chapter kickoff event - Feb 5th @4pm

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Feb 5 11:08:26 PST 2024

TWS chapter kickoff event - Feb 5th @4pm

Hi all,
Just a reminder to RSVP <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/Hb4D755cVxHN9M899__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jsSqep2aAbERvMtKExXcAR63w9ACwkN9rSY3UunkAfupJW93sxdRCBZLH42LciyUqmfyTe1VbL3YHKIpNCkksy9M$> and attend our event on Monday! Details below. See you there!

On Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 4:41 PM Alex McInturff <amcintur at uw.edu<mailto:amcintur at uw.edu>> wrote:
Hi UW wildlifers,

I've recently agreed to be the faculty sponsor for our UW student chapter of The Wildlife Society. On Feb 5th, we'll be hosting a welcome event with our state chapter leadership that will provide information (and food!) to interested undergrads and grads. More information can be found on the attached flyer, and please feel free to share it with your networks as well. We'd love to get a great turnout for this exciting revival of our TWS chapter!

What: TWS Student Chapter welcome event. Undergrads, grads, and faculty welcome!
When: Feb 5th at 4pm
Where: Forest Club Room, Anderson Hall
Why: Learn about opportunities for networking, fellowships, grants, and more!
How: Join us in person and enjoy free pizza!

RSVP: https://forms.gle/Hb4D755cVxHN9M899<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/Hb4D755cVxHN9M899__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jsSqep2aAbERvMtKExXcAR63w9ACwkN9rSY3UunkAfupJW93sxdRCBZLH42LciyUqmfyTe1VbL3YHKIpNCkksy9M$>

Thanks all,

Assistant Unit Leader, USGS Washington Fish and Wildlife Cooperative Research Unit
Assistant Professor, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington
mobile 205.447.3741 / amcintur at uw.edu<mailto:amcintur at uw.edu>

Assistant Unit Leader, USGS Washington Fish and Wildlife Cooperative Research Unit
Assistant Professor, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington
mobile 205.447.3741 / amcintur at uw.edu<mailto:amcintur at uw.edu>
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