[Biostudent] Become a UW Neurobiology Club Member!

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Feb 5 11:14:09 PST 2024

Subject: Become a UW Neurobiology Club Member!

Hi all, please share with your listservs. We are interested in having students from various science departments become official club members!

Hi Huskies!

We hope your quarter has been going well! The Neurobiology Club's goal is to help undergraduate students interested in life sciences increase their involvement with the neurobiology community at UW.

We're reaching out to extend an invitation for you to join the Neurobiology Club. As a member, you will begin to receive our recently launched newsletter via email, which will have exclusive info about upcoming Neurobiology Club events, resources on campus, navigating course selection, pre-health advice, prepping for internships and careers, and more. You will have the opportunity to be part of a community with shared interests and you can tell us specific things you want from this club. There will also be the opportunity to join leadership/committees and help us with event planning and organization!

Here's the link to the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScbw1wuFGSNxbfoB6oZ-G05g8dKKm2A6riWG4XeYxx3YA6o5w/viewform?pli=1<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScbw1wuFGSNxbfoB6oZ-G05g8dKKm2A6riWG4XeYxx3YA6o5w/viewform?pli=1__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!hmuIRR2VpkSZZsT5YOWWFBLPeqoh0g34PyeFTq5XqsgOyTife35xYElQHkvijBb8uo0GlQCHJqQwwxVhOsnad_nF-A$>

We look forward to building the Neurobiology community!

Neurobiology Club Officer Board

To learn more about our club and stay updated on current news and events, please check our club website <http://students.washington.edu/nbioclub/index.php> and like us on Facebook at UW Neurobiology Club<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.facebook.com/UWNeurobiologyClub/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!hmuIRR2VpkSZZsT5YOWWFBLPeqoh0g34PyeFTq5XqsgOyTife35xYElQHkvijBb8uo0GlQCHJqQwwxVhOsld_ksWOg$>!

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