[Biostudent] Please Share: Apply to the Student Environmental Innovation Challenge, Deadline Feb 12

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Feb 5 11:26:05 PST 2024

Apply to the Student Environmental Innovation Challenge, Deadline Feb 12

With the deadline approaching, please consider sharing with your students and student networks.

Attached are a few images for social media and/or email; more digital resources can be found in this shared google folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_mF5cNMJVb1bpeGMgQVk0h65y7dRuQQ0?usp=drive_link<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_mF5cNMJVb1bpeGMgQVk0h65y7dRuQQ0?usp=drive_link__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!mRwhFLO2hl49z4fWCmKnUmeR8lQQRZ1cXrLzuQC6xTumqzUEm-edJ_Hq3CBK3H9NV9E2jf_qmnNe$>

Thank you!


Lauren Brohawn | Associate Director
Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Challenge<http://www.foster.washington.edu/centers/entrepreneurship/eic/Pages/eic.aspx>
University of Washington | Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship
brohal at uw.edu<mailto:brohal at uw.edu> | startup.uw.edu

Apply now for the Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Challenge<http://eic.uw.edu/> (EIC) hosted by the University of Washington's Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship

Open to all undergraduate and graduate students at colleges and universities in WA, OR, ID, AK and British Columbia
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Be Part of the Solution! Apply to the Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Challenge<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/platform.younoodle.com/competition/2024_alaska_airlines_environmental_innovation_challenge__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nNO37tF_TlGwiiWrHhqXN1ZnkZ5n34YVrNr1Ve_0VjkLVN0GswyqksYq-y-rV3J3clU7p76KIEqdTUm1de6KXg$> by February 12
Bring your skills or innovative ideas to create change in the environmental space!
Open to all students attending an accredited college/university in WA, OR, ID, AK and British Columbia
The Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Challenge <eic.uw.edu> (EIC) is UW's annual student-led environmental startup competition hosted by the Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship. This exciting, hands-on experience for both undergraduate and graduate students is the place to bring your idea to life (think cleantech, circular economy, climate tech, clean energy, ocean health, SDGs, regenerative ag and more!) with the help of local entrepreneurs and industry experts. Students who enter will receive judges' feedback on their ideas, networking opportunities, and the potential to win prize money. Enter the EIC with any product, process, non-profit, or service idea that addresses an environmental problem.

Learn more. Full details on the EIC website<eic.uw.edu>
Application Office Hours February 8<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.startuptree.co/event/s/JtfNouDaq9Movq6CQUx7Y3/EIC-Application-Office-Hours__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nNO37tF_TlGwiiWrHhqXN1ZnkZ5n34YVrNr1Ve_0VjkLVN0GswyqksYq-y-rV3J3clU7p76KIEqdTUlz6-h74g$>, February 9<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.startuptree.co/event/s/iZnUsFrHdH4hgeEcZPfCjb/EIC-Application-Office-Hours__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nNO37tF_TlGwiiWrHhqXN1ZnkZ5n34YVrNr1Ve_0VjkLVN0GswyqksYq-y-rV3J3clU7p76KIEqdTUn8lt-hfw$>
Apply! Submit your application<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/platform.younoodle.com/competition/2024_alaska_airlines_environmental_innovation_challenge__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nNO37tF_TlGwiiWrHhqXN1ZnkZ5n34YVrNr1Ve_0VjkLVN0GswyqksYq-y-rV3J3clU7p76KIEqdTUm1de6KXg$> by February 12 @ 12 noon PT
Questions? E-mail EIC manager Lauren Brohawn at brohal at uw.edu<mailto:brohal at uw.edu>.

Did you say prizes?!
In addition to the chance of winning 3rd, 2nd, or the $15,000 grand prize, finalist teams could win one of these:
Big Picture Prize ($5,000)
Clean Energy Prize sponsored by the UW Clean Energy Institute<https://www.cei.washington.edu/>
Rewards student innovations that can reduce carbon emissions through solar energy production, electrical energy storage, conversion and distribution, and energy efficiency. This can include software and/or hardware.

Best Idea Prizes ($2,500)
Climate Impact Prize sponsored by Eric Carlson, Board Member of E8 Angels<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.e8angels.com/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!lM5NwIVqIQKjm1RNf8ZyWVFDRgKzlvnhvKXChNWmyrpH7yWmsQR_zv5l6qdPkzKzZGuyms-UzxoZ$>
Recognizes a team that has thoughtfully incorporated and quantified carbon footprint into the development and communication of their innovation.
Leo Cup Innovation in Oceanography Prize sponsored by the Leo Maddox Family and UW's School of Oceanography<https://www.ocean.washington.edu/story/Leo_Cup_Launch>
Recognizes students for creating innovative solutions to address issues of ocean health, with a preference for addressing marine pollution, including ocean plastics or other pollutants.
Lauren Brohawn | Associate Director
Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Challenge<http://www.foster.washington.edu/centers/entrepreneurship/eic/Pages/eic.aspx>
University of Washington | Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship
brohal at uw.edu<mailto:brohal at uw.edu> | startup.uw.edu

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