[Biostudent] Course webpages: Diversity, Quant, Climate

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Feb 5 11:40:41 PST 2024

College of the Environment Course webpages: Diversity, Quant, Climate (300/400 Level courses can be petitioned for possible use as ADV ELEC in Biology Degree Options.


As you approach spring registration, please refer to this website for the following course webpages that may be helpful for locating courses outside the dept of Biology:

* Diversity Courses for Undergrads<https://environment.uw.edu/students/degrees-programs-and-courses/courses/diversity-courses-for-undergrads/>:

Undergraduate courses currently offered or co-listed within our college focused on topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion within the context of environmental science and studies. These courses meet the university's Diversity Requirement (DIV)<https://www.washington.edu/uaa/advising/degree-overview/general-education/diversity/>.

* Quantitative Courses for Undergrads<https://environment.uw.edu/students/degrees-and-courses/courses/quantitative-courses-for-undergrads/>:

Quantitative courses in the college focused on examples from the physical world and from the living natural world, including conservation at landscape scale and impacts of global change. Courses on the basics of math, stats, coding, and mapping, through to advanced coursework in modeling, computation and remote sensing.

* Introductory Climate Courses for Undergrads<https://environment.uw.edu/students/degrees-and-courses/courses/climate-courses-for-undergrads/>:

Introductory climate courses that explore the impacts of a changing climate and solutions to the climate crisis. Many of these courses have no prerequisites and are open to all majors.

* Introductory Environment Courses for Undergrads<https://environment.uw.edu/students/degrees-and-courses/courses/>:

Introductory courses within College of the Environment. Many of these courses have no prerequisites and are open to all majors.

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