[Biostudent] Undergraduate Peer TA at FHL this spring term

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Feb 6 13:51:09 PST 2024

Please help share this opportunity - note that all questions should go to FHL Director Professor Megan Dethier (mdethier at uw.edu<mailto:mdethier at uw.edu>). Credits earned under FISH 489 are preapproved as 'other marine biology electives' for marine biology majors. ~ Joe Kobayashi, UW Marine Biology

Apply now to be a Peer TA at the Friday Harbor Labs for Spring quarter<https://envstudies.uw.edu/2013/10/22/apply-now-to-be-a-peer-ta-for-envir-100-for-winter/> 2024
Friday Harbor Labs seeks 3-5 enthusiastic undergraduate students to work as peer TAs in spring 2024 FHL courses, including courses in the Zoobot program (Marine Invertebrates, Marine Botany, Research) and the Spring Marine Studies program (Ecology of the Salish Sea, Research). See course descriptions at https://fhl.uw.edu/courses/course-descriptions/course_quarter/spring-2024/
These are exceptional opportunities! Peer TAs are mentored by faculty, get great teaching experience, and earn credit towards their degree (5 credits of FISH 489). This opportunity is especially valuable for students interested in environmental education or applying to graduate school.
The total time commitment is 19.5 hours per week. As a Peer TA, you are responsible for attending the lectures for the course and helping to organize and run both labs and field trips. Additional tasks may include meeting with students to provide extra help, leading review sessions, and grading.
Peer TAs need to be registered UW students, will need to be in residence at FHL for the whole quarter, and need to have a valid driver's license. Housing costs on campus and a partial meal plan will be provided, and salary of $23/hour.
Priority will be given to students who have at least Junior level standing and have taken at least one course at FHL.
To apply, please submit the following by Feb. 12 (very soon!):

1. Resume
2. Unofficial copy of your UW transcript (transfer transcripts not necessary)
3. Brief statement of intent (no longer than 1 page) describing:
* Why are you interested in being a peer TA at FHL?
* What unique abilities or experiences would you bring to this position?
* Of the 5 courses mentioned above, what would be your order of preference?
Electronic materials may be submitted via e-mail to mdethier at uw.edu<mailto:mdethier at uw.edu>. Dr. Dethier can also answer emailed questions about these positions.

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