[Biostudent] Engaging Undergraduates in Research

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Feb 13 11:28:02 PST 2024

The Office of Undergraduate Research<https://www.washington.edu/undergradresearch/> is very excited to announce that spaces are now open for the third offering in our new training series for undergraduate research mentors<https://www.washington.edu/undergradresearch/mentors/undergraduate-research-mentor-workshops/> (faculty, post-docs, graduate students, research staff, etc.). This next session is called Engaging Undergraduates in Research: Cultivating Belonging & Inclusion in Research Spaces. This session will be offered in person on March 8, 2024, from 10:00-12:00 PM and space will be limited to the first 30 who register. This will be a workshop-style session where research mentors will hear from us, engage in conversations with colleagues, and leave with some tangible tools to inform their practice.

Those who participate in this session will:

* Understand the importance of belonging & community for students
* Identify five different areas of belonging in a research context
* Articulate an approach for establishing clear expectations and research philosophy for mentees
* Develop awareness around how physical space and psychological safety impact belonging
* Learn to have conversations about wellbeing and mental health

Please follow this link to sign up.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=W9229i_wGkSZoBYqxQYL0rAC5g__jGtOtMr5S9A4FZ5UQkhaNVM4SkM5TEI4Nlo3SzFNM0JMQ1ZNMi4u__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jYxIsoiKNQbNseG7kosnjyPudH08n8TWav9DoURjHZQcLIUtlnbwd603LO1jrUqBX3LPG0hCuKzAvPtEjvw7MYgR8g$> Again, space will be limited to the first 30 who register.


Sophie Pierszalowski, PhD (she/her)
Director, Office of Undergraduate Research
Center for Experiential Learning and Diversity | Undergraduate Academic Affairs
171 Mary Gates Hall


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