[Biostudent] Spring '24 Landscape Architecture courses - open to all students

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Fri Feb 16 12:49:41 PST 2024

click here for all Landscape Architecture course lists<https://larch.be.uw.edu/students/courses/>


L ARCH 322: Intro to Planting Design - Living Materials in Cities
Bo Peng
3 Credits, A&H
MW 11:30-12:50
SLN 15981

As urban areas continue to accommodate an ever-growing population, how can urban inhabitants embrace design ideas that reconnect human beings with nature and re-conceptualize cities as resilient ecosystems? In this course, we will explore this question through a variety of topics related to contemporary design theories and practices in urban planning, landscape architecture, and green technologies. As an introductory course, LA322 aims to offer foundational knowledge relating to living materials and systems, urban ecological design, and biophilia design in the built environment, while exploring opportunities and cultivating creativity for planning and design practices. Course activities will involve a variety of means including lectures, group discussions, guided/self-guided field trips, and creative-based exercises.

L ARCH 363: Ecological Design and Planning
Ken Yocom
3 Credits, NSc, fulfills BLA req
TTh 10:00-11:20
SLN 15982

LARCH 363 offers an introduction into the complex field of ecological design and planning which integrates ecological research and knowledge into design and planning projects and applications. The educational experience supports all students interested applied approaches for improving the sustainability and resilience of urban and rural places with an emphasis on systems thinking, ecological rehabilitation and restoration, and creative problem-solving.

L ARCH 498B: Global Built Environment & Health Seminar
Coco Alcaron, Hiwot Zewdie
1 Credit Seminar
Th 11:30-12:20

The impact of the built environment is increasingly relevant for addressing contemporary health challenges globally. This seminar series will convene subject matter experts across disciplines, institutions, and countries to delve into topics related to healthy urban design.
L ARCH 498C: The Practice of Community Engagement
Eric Higbee
3 Credit Seminar
TTh 1:30-2:50
SLN 21384

Sweeping epidemics of polarization, loneliness, and social fragmentation have dramatically transformed the social context for working with communities. How can shapers of the built environment practice effective community engagement in this new social climate? More importantly, how can community engagement be a counterforce that helps reverse our troubling social trajectory and leave a lasting positive impact on the communities we serve?

This course will explore the current and future practice of community engagement. We will examine the social psychology of bridging identity groups and explore community engagement’s potential to cultivate shared identities, tolerance, and belonging in the places where we live. We will also learn and practice methods of community engagement, including process design, community event structures, meeting facilitation, and more.

Jennie Li | Undergraduate + Graduate Program Adviser
Pronouns: she/her/hers, they/them/theirs
Schedule a meeting<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/calendly.com/jencyli/officehours?month=2021-09&date=2021-09-10__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!kKGStFGsi_GqZOPKyk0Ikt28z8okcxBx0MhX2YRA7G8VqMSRMTTNXVJS4JPCyXOgPDbgW84rCvem8L9ppmj_02c$> - HYBRID HOURS 2-5 PM, M T TH F (virtual availability unless scheduled for in-person)

Department of Landscape Architecture | UW College of Built Environments
348 Gould Hall | Box 355734 | Seattle WA 98195-5734
jencyli at uw.edu<mailto:jencyli at uw.edu> | larch.be.washington.edu<http://larch.be.washington.edu/>

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We acknowledge the people - past, present, and future - of the Dkhw'Duw'Absh (Duwamish), Muckleshoot (bǝqǝlšuɫucid), Suquamish (suq'ʷabšucid) and Tulalip (dxʷlilap) and other Coastal Salish tribes on whose traditional lands we study, work, and gather.
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