[Biostudent] Summer field tech position, The Ruesink Lab (Deadline 3/8)

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Feb 26 10:01:23 PST 2024

Summer field tech position, The Ruesink Lab (Deadline 3/8)

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Want to spend your summer playing in the mud? The Ruesink Lab is recruiting a summer field tech for marine ecology research in Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor, WA. Our projects center on mudflat ecology, interactions among ecosystem engineering species (oysters, burrowing shrimp, eelgrass), and environmental impacts of shellfish aquaculture. We are looking for someone interested in biology and ecology, who enjoys working outside and is curious about the natural history and ecology of Washington's mudflats.

Daily duties include, but are not limited to: schlepping around mudflats, accessed by foot or by boat; sampling organisms in the sediment with a clam core; eelgrass and oyster transplanting; and supporting other researchers and techs in the field to get all our sampling done before the tide comes back in. Applicants should be willing to lift and carry ~25 lb weights, walk several miles on soft and uneven ground, wake up near dawn, and stay overnight in southwestern Washington for 3-9 day stretches. We work with the tides; your schedule may be nearly empty one week, and then fully occupied the next, depending on what the ocean is doing. A driver's license and basic swimming skills are not required, but are helpful. In return, our field tech will gain a supportive and intellectually engaging community in the lab, research and field experience, the chance to learn about marine ecology and mudflats, and an excuse to spend your summer on Washington's beautiful outer coast.

Hourly pay is expected to be $21/hr. Number of hours per week will vary. Starting by mid-June would be ideal, while late August and September have only a few low-tide days.

Send your resume and a quick 1-2 paragraphs about your background and interests to Haleh at mawsoc at uw.edu<mailto:mawsoc at uw.edu> by 8 March.

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