[Biostudent] Winter 2024 Scholarship Newsletter (1/4/2024)

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Fri Jan 5 13:48:55 PST 2024

Dear Students & Alumni, 

I’m emailing to share scholarship opportunities and upcoming events that might interest you and to remind you that OMSFA advisors<https://expd.uw.edu/scholarships/applying/scholarship-advisors/> are available to support your application process! Be sure to book an appointment<https://expd.uw.edu/scholarships/applying/scholarship-advising/>! Happy New Year to all!


Spring term 2024 course applications for classes at Friday Harbor Labs are now live!

* Friday Harbor Labs offers a unique classroom setting to tackle advanced marine science coursework and allow students to learn new research techniques and field skills. Spring course applications can be found here<https://fhl.uw.edu/courses/applying-for-an-fhl-course/>.
Deadline: Open – accepting rolling applications. Any questions? Contact Fiona Curliss at fhlstudents at uw.edu<mailto:fhlstudents at uw.edu>.

The GSBA Scholarship Fund

* The GSBA supports students who exhibit leadership potential and strong academic abilities and are actively involved in school and community organizations. To receive a GSBA Scholarship, you must be a Washington State resident.
Deadline: Friday, January 5th, 2024, 5:00 p.m. PST. The application is available on the website.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/thegsba.org/scholarship-fund/become-a-scholar/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!h7KEU6bcFQ2sC0lrTp5Rczl1pFfZ4JD0KW8A1XpkHYIEj4rfcENUS2yIGlM67IZk6epDeookFwouUikB$>

The Emerson Fellowship<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.hungercenter.org/what-we-do/emerson-fellowship/fellows/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gXKhaM8nSOLcyF4mj2YB46CmtzgToRWXzxzcYVD1e-pM6-ZA90owZhMjxhTflGqbUvR3HxhnCJPmzqjbobn6hA$>

* During their year in the program, fellows focus on anti-poverty/anti-hunger efforts and advocacy in the US and seek more experience.
* For graduating seniors, alums, and graduate students/alumni, U.S. citizenship or permanent residency is required for this program.
Deadline: Friday, January 12th, 2024. Midnight EST. To apply or for more information, visit here.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.hungercenter.org/what-we-do/emerson-fellowship/fellows/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!h7KEU6bcFQ2sC0lrTp5Rczl1pFfZ4JD0KW8A1XpkHYIEj4rfcENUS2yIGlM67IZk6epDeookF12jEICS$>

The Dept of German Studies Offers Spring in Vienna 2024

* The Spring in Vienna program includes two four-week intensive language courses. (German skills are not required.)
* Students take a seminar offered by a UW faculty member on modern Austria's literature, culture, and society.
Deadline: Monday, January 15th, 2024. Application<https://studyabroad.washington.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=11974&_ga=2.85695772.421177353.1698937355-1496927860.1692724836&_gl=1*4qeeha*_ga*MTQ5NjkyNzg2MC4xNjkyNzI0ODM2*_ga_JLHM9WH4JV*MTY5ODkzNzM1NS4xNC4xLjE2OTg5Mzc5NDIuMC4wLjA.*_ga_3T65WK0BM8*MTY5ODkzNzM1NS4xNC4xLjE2OTg5Mzc5NDIuMC4wLjA.> for Spring 2024.

Foreign Affairs Information Technology (FAIT) Fellowship:

* The FAIT fellowship is designed for individuals who want to pursue an IT-related undergraduate or graduate degree and a career in Foreign Service.
Deadline: Saturday, January 16th, 2024. Visit here for more information.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.faitfellowship.org/how-to-apply/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!h7KEU6bcFQ2sC0lrTp5Rczl1pFfZ4JD0KW8A1XpkHYIEj4rfcENUS2yIGlM67IZk6epDeookF1ZSc9wT$>

Key Into Public Service Undergraduate Scholarship Program – Phi Beta Kappa Society

* Scholarship recipients will receive a $5,000 undergraduate scholarship and an educational conference experience in Washington, D.C., providing scholars with training, mentoring, and reflection on pathways into local, state, and federal government careers. Membership in the Society is not required.
Deadline: Monday, January 22nd, 2024. Apply here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/apply.mykaleidoscope.com/scholarships/ServiceScholars2023-24__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!h7KEU6bcFQ2sC0lrTp5Rczl1pFfZ4JD0KW8A1XpkHYIEj4rfcENUS2yIGlM67IZk6epDeookFxGB9T1F$> or visit here for more information.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.pbk.org/KeyIntoPublicService__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!h7KEU6bcFQ2sC0lrTp5Rczl1pFfZ4JD0KW8A1XpkHYIEj4rfcENUS2yIGlM67IZk6epDeookF1KClp61$>

Beinecke Scholarship for Juniors in Arts, Humanities, and Social Science fields

* The Beinecke Scholarship<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/beineckescholarship.org/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!h7KEU6bcFQ2sC0lrTp5Rczl1pFfZ4JD0KW8A1XpkHYIEj4rfcENUS2yIGlM67IZk6epDeookFyvzbLOM$> seeks to encourage and enable initiative-taking students to pursue graduate study.
* The Scholarship provides $35,000 for a research-focused master’s degree or doctoral program in the arts, humanities, or social sciences to juniors with financial need.
* U.S. citizen or a United States national from American Samoa or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands & UW nominations required<https://new.expo.uw.edu/expo/scholarships/beinecke>.
UW Campus Deadline: Wednesday, January 31st, 2024. Questions? Contact Robin Chang, robinc at uw.edu<mailto:robinc at uw.edu>, in the UW Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards<https://expd.uw.edu/scholarships/>.

The Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship:

* The FLAS fellowship<https://jsis.washington.edu/advise/funding/flas/> supports undergraduate, graduate, and professional students acquiring modern foreign languages and area or international studies competencies. Students from all UW departments and schools are encouraged to apply.
* Eligibility: The FLAS Fellowship is available to current and incoming UW students who are U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or nationals.
Deadline: Sunday, January 31st, 2024. For more information or on how to apply, Questions? Please get in touch with FLAS at uw.edu<mailto:FLAS at uw.edu>

NOAA Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship Programs

* This Opportunity is for current sophomores in NOAA-related disciplines (including social sciences and science education)
* NOAA provides research experiences through a 10-week summer internship.
* Financial support for conference attendance, & professional development.
Deadline: Wednesday, January 31st, 2024. For more information on how to apply, visit<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.noaa.gov/office-education/hollings-scholarship/prospective__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!h7KEU6bcFQ2sC0lrTp5Rczl1pFfZ4JD0KW8A1XpkHYIEj4rfcENUS2yIGlM67IZk6epDeookF2ZWhzY7$>

Tillman Scholar Program 2024

* The Tillman Scholar program helps support scholars with academic scholarships, national networks, and professional development opportunities.
* Join an info session<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/pattillmanfoundation.org/tillman-scholars-military-scholarships/info-sessions/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!h7KEU6bcFQ2sC0lrTp5Rczl1pFfZ4JD0KW8A1XpkHYIEj4rfcENUS2yIGlM67IZk6epDeookF0DbMWsB$> to learn more about the Pat Tillman Foundation and Fellowship.

Deadline: Thursday, February 1st, 2024. Apply here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/pattillmanfoundation.org/apply/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!h7KEU6bcFQ2sC0lrTp5Rczl1pFfZ4JD0KW8A1XpkHYIEj4rfcENUS2yIGlM67IZk6epDeookF43gTeJ2$> to be a Tillman Scholar.

Humanity in Action Fellowship

* The Humanity in Action Fellowship<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/humanityinaction.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=71d6157afa2d805d137fbb966&id=bb6ee9f83d&e=90f2c3a694__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!hnLVAUCs7oop0pzxeNgMxuL3Gl4keTZqMAxoBtRQKT_gYMijQWSF6HTr_kK32o92Xp4-FyWA0jAZoZ8BRoyL6CbXRHLP$> brings together international students and recent graduates to explore compelling, current issues of liberal democracy, pluralism, human rights, and social justice within each program site's specific historical and cultural contexts.
* All current and recent graduates (within the last two years) of bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. programs enthusiastic about active citizenship, diversity, and human rights are encouraged to apply!

Deadline: Sunday, February 4th, 2024. For eligibility information, please visit the US and European eligibility pages. Email admissions at humanityinaction.org<mailto:admissions at humanityinaction.org> if you have any questions.

Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program

* The Charles B. Rangel International program is a 6-week summer program designed to provide undergraduate students with a deeper appreciation of current issues and trends in international affairs, a greater understanding of career opportunities in international affairs, and the enhanced knowledge and skills to pursue such careers.
* An overview of the program and eligibility requirements.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/rangelprogram.org/summer-enrichment-program/overview-eligibility/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!h7KEU6bcFQ2sC0lrTp5Rczl1pFfZ4JD0KW8A1XpkHYIEj4rfcENUS2yIGlM67IZk6epDeookF5q90hWZ$>

Deadline: Tuesday, February 6th, 2024. Be sure to apply here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/apply.rangelprogram.org/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!h7KEU6bcFQ2sC0lrTp5Rczl1pFfZ4JD0KW8A1XpkHYIEj4rfcENUS2yIGlM67IZk6epDeookF3EfuqGH$>.

UWRA Scholarships and Fellowships in Aging

* The University of Washington Retirement Association<https://retirees.uw.edu/give-back/student-support/scholarship-application/> funds scholarships for UW students with a focus on research related to aging or on providing services to older adults.
* Open to any UW campus undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. International and HB1079 students are welcome to apply.

Deadline: Thursday, February 8th, 2024, at noon. Apply here<https://retirees.uw.edu/give-back/student-support/scholarship-application/>.


Scholarship Search Party – January highlights: Getting started with Mary Gates Scholarships

* Information session, converse, brainstorming, for Mary Gates.
Monday, January 8th, 2024| 3:30 - 5 p.m. | In-person | Register here > <https://expo.uw.edu/expo/rsvp/event/1207>

The Boren Awards fund language study abroad: UW Writing Workshop

* This workshop will cover the details of the Boren essays. While we review the selection criteria and share award details, this is a working session, and we will have time for applicants to work on their written materials.
Wednesday, January 10th , 2024 | 4:00 p.m. | Zoom | Register here > <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwsfumtqjwoE9xMbE8ZSxOyf337LHviWKyC*/registration__;Iw!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!h7KEU6bcFQ2sC0lrTp5Rczl1pFfZ4JD0KW8A1XpkHYIEj4rfcENUS2yIGlM67IZk6epDeookF5LmPKqp$>
Boren Awards Deadlines: Graduate Students: Wednesday, January 24, 2 p.m. (Pacific); Undergraduate Students: Wednesday, January 31, 2 p.m. (Pacific)

2024 Humanity in Action Fellowship Program Info Webinar

* This online event is an opportunity to gain experience more about the 2024 Humanity in Action Fellowship from current Fellows and staff. Please bring all your questions! If you are interested in attending, please register in advance using the button below.
Monday, January 17th, 2024| 9:00 a.m.| Online | Register here > <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3jtaPCJ_S6-Wos-qgz4dSA*/registration__;Iw!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!h7KEU6bcFQ2sC0lrTp5Rczl1pFfZ4JD0KW8A1XpkHYIEj4rfcENUS2yIGlM67IZk6epDeookF160LpZW$>

Gilman Scholarship Information Sessions and Application Workshops

* The Gilman Scholarship<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.iie.org/programs/gilman-scholarship-program/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!h7KEU6bcFQ2sC0lrTp5Rczl1pFfZ4JD0KW8A1XpkHYIEj4rfcENUS2yIGlM67IZk6epDeookF7Ty6Dlo$> program offers study abroad scholarships to US citizen undergraduates eligible for Pell Grants.
* Learn about the program, the application process, and how to write a compelling statement.
Tuesday, February 6th | 4-5 p.m. | Zoom| Register here > <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcvf-mhpzwvHdPTnBGoc1dmZ4kUlWOseDuh*/registration__;Iw!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!h7KEU6bcFQ2sC0lrTp5Rczl1pFfZ4JD0KW8A1XpkHYIEj4rfcENUS2yIGlM67IZk6epDeookF6-9mY0y$>
Wednesday, February 7th | 12:30-1:30 p.m. | MGH 171| Register here > <https://expd.uw.edu/scholarships/events/?trumbaEmbed=view%3Devent%26eventid%3D171084001>
Thursday, February 29th | 2-4 p.m. | MGH 171| Register here > <https://expd.uw.edu/scholarships/events/?trumbaEmbed=view%3Devent%26eventid%3D171084001>
Deadline: Thursday, March 7th, 2024. Apply here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.gilmanscholarship.org/applicants/application-overview/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!h7KEU6bcFQ2sC0lrTp5Rczl1pFfZ4JD0KW8A1XpkHYIEj4rfcENUS2yIGlM67IZk6epDeookF5p789mK$>.

To see the full calendar of events, please visit us online at


Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards 
Center for Experiential Learning & Diversity 
Box 352803
Mary Gates Hall, Suite 171, Seattle, WA 98195
scholarq at uw.edu<mailto:scholarq at uw.edu> / expd.uw.edu/scholarships<http://expd.uw.edu/scholarships/>
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