[Biostudent] Fw: Neurobiology Club Bake Sale!

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Thu Jan 11 16:33:06 PST 2024

Hi Huskies!

Hope your quarter has been off to a good start! The Neurobiology Club is hosting a bake sale tomorrow at 9:30am! Stop by the HUB to pick up some baked goods from Macrina Bakery and a hot chocolate to warm you up on your way to class! While you're there, learn how to become a UW Neurobiology Club Member, meet the team, and hear about our upcoming events!

We hope to see you there!

Neurobiology Club Officer Board


To learn more about our club and stay updated on current news and events, please check our club website <http://students.washington.edu/nbioclub/index.php> and like us on Facebook at UW Neurobiology Club<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.facebook.com/UWNeurobiologyClub/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!kLq0fZcIyGbAp1JLr4S5Pqfv3_R4hdtdrKL-pmvlDVq3uYdTIvCSjd80F4bfvJx8y2jPiGtrsrijcbj6FMUfkxmD_g$>!

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