[Biostudent] Internship - Summer Student Fellowships

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Sat Jan 13 18:24:38 PST 2024

San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance offers undergraduate Summer Fellowships on our Conservation Science teams: Recovery Ecology,<https://science.sandiegozoo.org/applied-animal-ecology> Population Sustainability,<https://science.sandiegozoo.org/behavioral-ecology> Community Engagement,<https://science.sandiegozoo.org/conservation-education> Conservation Genetics,<https://science.sandiegozoo.org/genetics> Plant Conservation,<https://science.sandiegozoo.org/plant-conservation> Reproductive Sciences<https://science.sandiegozoo.org/reproductive-physiology>, and Disease Investigations<https://science.sandiegozoo.org/disease-investigations>.

More information can be found here:

The Conservation Science Summer Fellowship is a 12-week program where undergrads work directly with a mentor from the Conservation Science team of their choice. Within those 12 weeks, the fellows gain hands-on experience while completing a project. Fellowships are based at the Beckman Center (Escondido, CA) unless otherwise stated.

Applications for the 2024 Conservation Science Summer Fellowships can be submitted until February 15, 2024. Applicants should specify which team’s fellowship they are applying for; applicants can only apply for one team, not multiple teams.

Current undergraduate students must be officially associated with a college or university to be eligible for the fellowship program. Undergraduates who are currently enrolled in college meet this criterion, as do graduating seniors who are continuing their education in the fall following graduation. Recent graduates who are not continuing their education in the fall of the same year are not eligible to apply.

Summer 2024 Conservation Science Summer Fellowships

* May cohort: May 20–August 9
* June cohort: June 24–September 13

Fellowships are 40 hours per week for 12 weeks. Fellows will receive a $7,000 stipend. To apply, submit your resume and cover letter to Holly Davis at hodavis at sdzwa.org<mailto:hodavis at sdzwa.org>.

Our former student who is currently working at the org is more than happy to answer any questions

Allison DeCracker, adecracker at sdzwa.org<mailto:adecracker at sdzwa.org>

Biology Advising

University of Washington, BOX 355320
318 Hitchcock Hall

Zoom drop-in advising hours (10-15 min meetings):

Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting https://washington.zoom.us/j/97207369544

Advising Sessions via EMAIL, PHONE, and ZOOM. In person advising available by appointment only.

Please include your name and student number in your emails.
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