[Biostudent] Discover New Worlds with the Global Literary Studies major

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Jan 23 09:40:26 PST 2024

Discover New Worlds with the Global Literary Studies major

Discover New Worlds with the Global Literary Studies major


We are happy to announce The Global Literary Studies major. This new major is a dynamic collaboration of multiple UW departments and housed in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Global Literary Studies (GLITS) introduces students to works of literature from around the world and from all eras of human history.

Drawing on the expertise of faculty from across the Humanities Division, GLITS offers students a rich array of courses that reveal the importance and lasting impact of various forms of imaginative writing and speech. All GLITS courses are taught in English and work with literature in English translation. Skills developed by the study of literature include the ability to effectively communicate in oral and written form, to activate one's imagination and creativity, and to engage with varied points of view, ways of thinking, and lived experiences.

GLITS is a flexible program of study that provides students many opportunities to customize their degree.

You will find information about the GLITS major at this link

Global Literary Studies<https://slavic.washington.edu/global-literary-studies-glits>

If you would like to discuss this major with an adviser, make an appointment with

Advising appointments at the Humanities Academic Services Center<https://hasc.washington.edu/students/advising-support>

Humanities Academic Services | Padelford Hall A-002, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-4330
Unsubscribe jcharltn at uw.edu
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