[Biostudent] CHID/L Arch Paris Fall 2024 Study Abroad Info Sessions

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Jan 30 09:47:42 PST 2024

Hi everyone,

We're excited to announce the Fall 2024 Paris Study Abroad program!

"Environmental Paris: the modern Invention of Nature" is an immersive, interdisciplinary study abroad program sponsored by the Department of Comparative History of Ideas and the Department of Landscape Architecture.
This program offers you a chance to explore this modern "Invention of Nature" from three different perspectives: historical-scientific, urban sustainability, and literary-artistic.
Program activities include lectures and discussions, explorations of Paris's Urban & natural landscapes, its gardens and architecture, museums visit within and outside Paris, as well as literary and visual representations of the shifting imagination of Nature.

Please note the online Info Sessions:
Monday, January 29 at 7pm PST
Monday, February 12 at 7pm PST

Scan the attached QR code to get the zoom link, or see below:

Application Deadline:
February 15, 2024

Application portal HERE<https://studyabroad.washington.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=10484>.

Laure Heland, heland at uw.edu<mailto:heland at uw.edu>
Gary Handwerk, handwerk at uw.edu<mailto:handwerk at uw.edu>
Nick Barr, nickbarr at uw.edu<mailto:nickbarr at uw.edu>

Looking forward to your applications!
Laure Heland, PhD,
Affiliate Associate Professor,
Landscape Architecture Dpt,
College of Built Environment,
University of Washington, WA.
heland at uw.edu<mailto:heland at uw.edu>


Jennie Li | Undergraduate + Graduate Program Adviser
Pronouns: she/her/hers, they/them/theirs
Schedule a meeting<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/calendly.com/jencyli/officehours?month=2021-09&date=2021-09-10__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!my-V_Dv5mcwoOFvj4C47aaKhlLrfXK0TW44uK1QXy_lRt53Gn4hiLPqunDLZfbg4UIfM4AavQRtjWSuAEDdu77c$> - HYBRID HOURS 2-5 PM, M T TH F (virtual availability unless scheduled for in-person)

Department of Landscape Architecture | UW College of Built Environments
348 Gould Hall | Box 355734 | Seattle WA 98195-5734
jencyli at uw.edu<mailto:jencyli at uw.edu> | larch.be.washington.edu<http://larch.be.washington.edu/>

INSTAGRAM<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.instagram.com/uw_landscape_architecture/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!my-V_Dv5mcwoOFvj4C47aaKhlLrfXK0TW44uK1QXy_lRt53Gn4hiLPqunDLZfbg4UIfM4AavQRtjWSuA3ytbZt4$> | FACEBOOK<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.facebook.com/uwlarch/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!my-V_Dv5mcwoOFvj4C47aaKhlLrfXK0TW44uK1QXy_lRt53Gn4hiLPqunDLZfbg4UIfM4AavQRtjWSuAIsIXezc$> | LINKEDIN<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.linkedin.com/groups/2498465/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!my-V_Dv5mcwoOFvj4C47aaKhlLrfXK0TW44uK1QXy_lRt53Gn4hiLPqunDLZfbg4UIfM4AavQRtjWSuAJ4QDcHs$> | VIMEO<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/vimeo.com/channels/1147846__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!my-V_Dv5mcwoOFvj4C47aaKhlLrfXK0TW44uK1QXy_lRt53Gn4hiLPqunDLZfbg4UIfM4AavQRtjWSuAdJVNGoA$>

We acknowledge the people - past, present, and future - of the Dkhw'Duw'Absh (Duwamish), Muckleshoot (bǝqǝlšuɫucid), Suquamish (suq'ʷabšucid) and Tulalip (dxʷlilap) and other Coastal Salish tribes on whose traditional lands we study, work, and gather.
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