[Biostudent] Autumn 2024 Geography Course with SSc and Optional W-credit!

BIOLOGY via Biostudent biostudent at u.washington.edu
Fri Jul 12 10:13:47 PDT 2024

GEOG 495 Cli-Fi and Science Communication<https://myplan.uw.edu/course/#/courses/GEOG%20495> (5 credits) SSc & Optional W, SLN: 16163, Instructor: Gretchen Sneegas<https://geography.washington.edu/people/gretchen-sneegas>

Climate Fiction, also known as "cli-fi," is a relatively new and rapidly expanding media movement in which creators imagine how our world is responding to the effects of climate change. This course will examine different forms of cli-fi media, critically evaluating them as a method of communicating climate science to a broader audience. We will also examine cli-fi media as socio-political artifacts in their own right, through which various actors seek to envision alternate futures, politics, and imaginaries. We will read and analyze numerous cli-fi artifacts and texts including fiction, film, critical geographic analysis, physical science research, urban planning documents, environmental policies, and more. Students will develop tools for cross-disciplinary thinking and analysis. Throughout the course, students will work on producing their own form of speculative storytelling, through which they will communicate key physical and social science research from the class.

Please contact geogadv at uw.edu<mailto:geogadv at uw.edu> with any questions!

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Geography Undergraduate Advising<https://geography.washington.edu/advising>
Emily Uematsu & Nell Gross
geogadv at uw.edu<mailto:geogadv at uw.edu>
Smith Hall 415
1911 Skagit Lane, Seattle, WA 98195-3550
Request an Advising Appointment<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/UniversityofWashingtonDepartmentofGeographyAdvising@cloud.washington.edu/bookings/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gAz4TyTByA0vfvY7uYr81Xv-f9SaNgHFQ-JSBui8xOW_CEhIB7ZMvoBIGJLVSRoJEBwGDBNS4648EQ$>

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