[Biostudent] Husky Robotics Recruitment Information

BIOLOGY via Biostudent biostudent at u.washington.edu
Fri Jul 26 13:22:39 PDT 2024

Husky Robotics is a Registered Student Organization (RSO), under the Mechanical Engineering Department, building a Mars Rover to compete in the international Rover Challenge Series. Husky Robotics allows UW students to develop skills as part of a large interdisciplinary science and engineering project. We turn our member's passion for robotics, space, science, and engineering into real-world experience, offering a unique chance to have hands-on time in various engineering and engineering-adjacent fields.
      In 2019, we placed 2nd in the world, outscoring teams from Shanghai to Warsaw. In 2021, we placed 3rd overall in the Virtual University Rover Challenge, with a perfect score in extreme delivery and traversal. In 2022, we again took 2nd at the Canadian International Rover Challenge, with a perfect score in dexterity! We continued this streak in 2023, placing 2nd yet again at the Canadian International Rover Challenge, this time with the highest score in the Land Speculation task!
      All of our Subsystems are currently recruiting, and looking for Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering majors, along with Business, Biology, and Chemistry Majors. Anyone interested in Robotics, software design, Astrobiology, Geology, fundraising, or videography is more than welcome to apply. Our competition also involves the testing for life in a pseudo-Martian environment. As we have been a historically mechanical and electrical engineering team, we are looking to add more chemically and biologically focused majors to our team.
A link to our application and more information regarding the subsystem specifics can be found at the link: https://www.huskyrobotics.me/join<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.huskyrobotics.me/join__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nKDyLbku6FXBTawHn0qpduMBXO6JHstse1yFEo3RtHU0nGrtLpeclTMjFU4MSH1FawV8RO9rgS03hEKD$>. Applications will be open until Saturday, Oct 12.

If you have any questions, please reach out to uwrobots at uw.edu<mailto:uwrobots at uw.edu>!

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