[Biostudent] Courses for Spring 2024 - AFRAM 405, AES 340, and AES 398

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Fri Mar 8 13:59:13 PST 2024

The Department of American Ethnic Studies has several classes with open seats that students in your department may find interesting and want to register for the Spring 2024 quarter. Could you please share these fliers with your department and students? If you have any questions regarding credits, please contact Lorna Hamill, AES' Academic Counselor, at aesadvising at uw.edu<mailto:aesadvising at uw.edu>.

* AFRAM 405: African Americans & Education;
* AES 340: Race, Ethnicity, and Education; and
* AES 398: Anti-Human Trafficking in an Era of Globalization

Thank You,

Chris Carr (he/him/his)
Administrative Assistant II
Dept. of American Ethnic Studies
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-4380
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