[Biostudent] Plant Biology Course Open Email Instructor for Add Code Biol 442 Genetics of Plant Adaptations

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Mar 12 16:16:13 PDT 2024

Biol 220 or other plant course can serve as the pre-req. Email the instructor for Add Code

Biol 442 Genetics of Plant Adaptations
Main course idea: Investigate concepts and primary literature on the mechanistic basis of plant innovations (e.g., cuticle, stomates, meristem growth, flowers and fruits). Familiarize students with the genetic basis of innovations leading to the main land plant lineages (bryophytes, vascular plants, seed plants and angiosperms).

Learning Objectives:

1. Familiarize students with main families of gene players underlying the morphological innovations in land plant evolution

2. Understand the evolution of development approach, and the techniques used to conduct research in this discipline

3. Learn to read articles from the primary literature

4. Practice and receive feedback on public presentation of scientific literature
Course Dynamics: Learn and practice the conceptual framework from articles in the primary literature in lecture (with active learning exercises). Read 2 articles per discussion session (plus related commentaries posted in website), complete canvas reading quiz before lecture (opens Friday evening, closes Monday night-except Week 1). Instructor’s introduction to topic concepts and new vocabulary (Tue lecture). Individual student presentations of research articles using slides and presentation guidelines (Th sections), 15 min each (plus questions), two to three presentations per session. Peer reviews completed in canvas. Work on discussion questions in groups (using Jigsaw system), wrap up, exit quiz.
Verónica Di Stilio distilio at uw.edu<mailto:distilio at uw.edu>

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