[Biostudent] Mock ER Registration OPEN NOW!

BIOLOGY via Biostudent biostudent at u.washington.edu
Mon May 6 16:53:30 PDT 2024


The American Medical Student Association (AMSA) of UW is thrilled to announce that Mock ER is open for general registration starting TODAY! What is Mock ER? Why should you participate? How do you register? Let's break it down:

Being an undergraduate trying to get all those med school prerequisites is tough. There's volunteer work, research, MCAT prep, leadership, not to mention all the classes you need to study for...but the issue we've noticed is we rarely get to see what actual clinical problem solving looks like.

So, we've put together a 3-hour representation of real emergency medicine in which you'll be competing in teams of four to triage, diagnose, and treat patients. The catch? While some of the diagnostic tests provided will help you properly treat each patient, there will also be tools that will be useless or misleading to make this simulation even more representative of an emergency room. Collaboration, discussion, and research with teammates will be crucial for success in this competition. Clinical cases used in the event have been curated by physicians and medical students, and you'll have the opportunity to walk through each case with them to go over the proper diagnostics and treatment for each case. The winning team of four will receive a prize!

Think you're up for the challenge? Registration opens today and closes Sunday, May 12th at 11:59 PM PDT. Last Mock ER, our registration filled within 24 hours of opening so make sure to secure a spot fast! Registration is guaranteed for the first 72 registrants. To register for Mock ER, please fill out the form below:


By filling out this form, you commit to being present and active during the entirety of our Meet the Team Event on Friday, May 24th, from 8-9 PM (virtual on Discord) and the Mock ER event on Saturday, May 25th from 2-5 PM at the Husky Union Building (HUB).

PSST, still need help with all those other med school prerequisites we mentioned earlier? Join AMSA today! Visit our website for more information: https://www.amsauw.com/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.amsauw.com/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!n7fNXCe5NB9Ue9FwRvtUKgGT46-WnKbOHZKW88DT1uhWri0IA7T_zwGR0y7dCgZD3_d3CfPMGBidug$>.


American Medical Student Association

4001 E Stevens Way NE

Seattle, WA 98195

amsauw at uw.edu<mailto:amsauw at uw.edu>

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