[Biostudent] FW: ASE strike impacts on Biology courses

BIOLOGY via Biostudent biostudent at u.washington.edu
Tue May 14 09:32:22 PDT 2024

Hello Biology department and students-

As you likely know, the union<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.uaw4121.org/2024-ase-bargaining-portal/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!ihojoNE-2yG5kGucqZMwcV73pNVO9K3C7GK9UOx9Kp6h3WtQAKamZYexBRqtP5rMWZ9BrQaC_BkIJD5C$> representing our graduate student TAs has been negotiating their contract with the UW<https://hr.uw.edu/labor/academic-and-student-unions/uaw-ase/ase-negotiation-updates>. While we hope that both parties can reach an agreement very soon, the strike has begun. We understand that this strike can lead to stress and questions for everyone involved, including the undergraduates enrolled in Biology courses, the instructors, and of course the graduate student TAs themselves. Our goal is to try to reduce stress and support people during this time.

For students enrolled in our courses, we will do our best to continue to provide excellent educational opportunities to the extent we can. However, we know that our graduate students provide countless hours of essential and caring teaching in many of our courses. The instructor of your course has been encouraged to communicate to students all strike-related changes to their course schedule and assignments in a timely fashion.

If you have questions specific to your course, please contact your instructor. If you have any further questions, please email schivell at uw.edu<mailto:schivell at uw.edu>.

Thank you and be well,

Mandy Schivell (Undergraduate Program Committee Chair) and David Perkel (Department Chair)

Mandy Schivell, PhD (she/hers)
Teaching Professor and Undergraduate Program Committee Chair
Department of Biology
Box 351800
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195

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