[Biostudent] Body Doubling Event, May 29 3pm - 6pm

BIOLOGY via Biostudent biostudent at u.washington.edu
Mon May 20 10:35:32 PDT 2024

A reminder that Odegaard has extended hours for finals the weekend of May 31- June 2.



Libraries' Events Calendar<https://www.lib.washington.edu/about/news/calendar?trumbaEmbed=view%3Devent%26eventid%3D174828925>

Odegaard will be hosting a body doubling* event on Wednesday, May 29 from 3pm-6pm.
This event is meant to provide a space and loose guidelines for students to pair up with a "body double" AKA someone that acts as an accountability buddy simply by being present and working on their own projects. After introducing themselves and stating their intended goal, each person will work independently until they are ready to leave. At this point, each participant will share what progress they made and gratitude for their partners. It should be a very relaxed, low pressure environment. We will also have some UW Libraries swag for folks stopping by for the event!

*Body doubling is utilized by many neurodivergent folks to complete tasks that are presenting a challenge for one reason or another, which can include studying, writing, reading, cleaning, etc. For more information on body doubling, please visit: https://tinyurl.com/yrbjfau3<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tinyurl.com/yrbjfau3__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gVnIM2rfHZWuziiFf8hPJ-LgMaJ_Z4MDfLwhNneaVXMaAjiAWpc5CQAXvzvoJ66Ti-62pbrCGJcStw$>

We hope to see you there!

​Emilie Vrbancic
Undergraduate Experience Librarian
Undergraduate Student Success Team
University of Washington Libraries
206.616.2872 | vrbancic at uw.edu<mailto:vrbancic at uw.edu>
pronouns: she/her

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