[Accessibleweb] UX CoP Spring Meeting – Information Design: Data Visualization Best Practices

William Washington scumby at uw.edu
Fri Mar 24 14:02:14 PDT 2023

Dearest colleagues,

The UX & Design Thinking Community of Practice organizing committee would like to invite you to our Spring 2023 meeting covering Information Design: Data Visualization Best Practices. Rebecca Bergh, a senior staff analyst at The Boeing Company (very recently she was the Digital Content Producer for UW News), will share her passion for data visualization with an overview of best practices, what makes a good data story, and how to get started making data visualizations. We’re excited for her to share with the UW community what she has learned over many years of creating data visualizations. Please join us and spread the word!

The meeting will take place on zoom: https://washington.zoom.us/j/97732772861

William, Dana, and Jackie
UX CoP Organizing Committee

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