[Accessibleweb] Monthly Web Accessibility/Usability Meet-up, Thu 6/13/24 at 10 AM PT

Hadi Rangin via Accessibleweb accessibleweb at u.washington.edu
Mon Jun 10 22:02:27 PDT 2024

Hello accessibility minded friends and colleagues,

Please join us this Thursday at 10 AM for another exciting, informal, and friendly Web Accessibility/Usability meet-up.


Deque University: Web Accessibility Training and Courses
In this meetup, Terrill Thompson will provide a tour of Deque University (DU):
DU offers an extensive curriculum of self-guided online courses on accessibility, from basic to expert, on a full range of digital accessibility topics. It also includes axe Assistant, an AI chat tool that has been trained exclusively on Deque University content. It's more accurate and more reliable than general-purpose AI products, and laser-focused on accessibility. The UW is currently engaged in a 1-month pilot of DU. In addition to providing a tour and answering questions, Terrill will facilitate a discussion about whether the UW community would utilize this resource, and what sort of context would make it most compelling.

Review website/applications.
Reviewing your site/application for accessibility is the main component of this meet-up and we all learn from such reviews.
As always, let me know if you would like to review your site/application for accessibility.

Meeting info

* What: Monthly Web Accessibility/Usability Meetup
* When: Thursday June 13, 2024 10-11 AM PT
* Where: https://washington.zoom.us/my/hadirangin<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.zoom.us/my/hadirangin__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!kA6E7qgn0GM6P5WvM9v0nKxjTwnOdgcuCctzitw0ihqa29dhxLQOtdI6Crv1C-9gEFG3atM56Q$>
* Meeting ID: 206 221 1532

About Monthly Web Accessibility/Usability Meet-up
The Monthly Web Accessibility/Usability meet-up is a place for accessibility minded colleagues to casually reviewing and discussing your projects. This generally includes lots of hands-on testing and code review. If you are working on a project and would like to get accessibility feedback from your peers, please let us know and we will add it to the agenda. We always encourage you to bring your own sites and topics, as it is a great learning experience for everyone.

How to Join the Mailing List
We send our announcements typically a week prior to the meetup through various internal mailing lists, including the accessibleweb mailing list - which is open to the public. Please subscribe to that list to receive the announcements if you haven't already done it yet. You can do so by accessing this link:

Thanks, and looking forward to another engaging and fruitful discussion.

Hadi Rangin (he/him)
IT Accessibility Specialist
Access Technology Center/ATS/UW-IT
(206) 685-4144
hadir at uw.edu<mailto:hadir at uw.edu>

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