[Alpine-info] Maildir folder-collection

Paolo Andretta andretta at apf.it
Sun Dec 24 05:42:58 PST 2023

On Sat, 23 Dec 2023, Eduardo Chappa wrote:

>> I have tried to set the variable folder-collections to many values without

>> results. Any hints?


> If you are going to use Alpine exclusively to manage your folders try these:


> folder-collections="Nick Name" #mc/INBOX.[],

> "Another Nick" #mc/INBOX.mail.[]


> The first one gives you access to all folders under inbox, the second to all

> folders under mail.

Not what I hoped to achieve :-(
When I press "l" to go to Folder list, I get:

Nick Name
Local folders in #mc/Maildir.

Another Nick
Local folders in #mc/Maildir.mail.

that is like what I can already have with the setting:
folder-collections="Locali" #mc/Maildir/.[]
whit a one more selection level ...

instead of my old (current "mbox" based server), usual:

INBOX sent-mail saved-messages .imap/
1807Spam 1808Spam 181025 190623
190923 1999/ 2000/ 2001/
2002/ 2003/ 2004/ 2005/
2006/ 2007/ 2008/ 2009/
Isp09 Italo Lux Lux-0
Mailman.log NetData SMART Spam
Trash1904 Trash1905 Trash1906 Trash1907
Trash1910 Trash1911 Trash1912 Trash2001
Trash2002 Trash2003

In my mind, if I can tell Alpine to consider ~/Maildir/ like is "basedir"
instead of ~/ I can have what I want.
In my experimentations I found that renaming my folders from their current
name ~/Maildir/.mail.FOLDER-NAME or ~/Maildir/.mail.FOLDER-NAME.SUB-FOLDER-NAME
seems to solve the problem, but I have 1500+ folders and I can do it only
when I will finish the server migration and don't need more sync from old
and new server.
I noticied this situation is limited to the few accounts that have used
Pine/Alpine in the years and have the folders created under the ~/mail/


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