[Alpine-info] Vanishing Emails!
Bret Busby via Alpine-info
alpine-info at u.washington.edu
Wed Jun 5 10:44:35 PDT 2024
On 5/6/24 09:38, Chris M via Alpine-info wrote:
> This is my first email being sent from Alpine.
> I noticed that 2 emails from Reddit.com just disapeared into nowhere! I
> mean, the emails don't matter, It's not a big deal that I lost them.
> The emails that were lost, were just a moderator reminder on a post that
> I started, that reddit automatically sends when you post a new topic.
> I think its because I sat up rules, and when I would do s, Archives2024,
> enter, it popped up something about moving the email back to the Reddit
> folder.
> Yet, when you go to the Archives2024 folder in Alpine, it shows all 7
> emails there, but Fastmail's webmail only shows 5 emails.
> I have since deleted those rules out of Alpine.
Rules and filters are different.
Rules define things like the format for archived folder names, how often
to check for new messages, character sets, how long before timing out
connections, etc.
Filters use defined parameters to select where messages are to be stored.
Messages do not necessarily "just disapeared into nowhere!" - they are
just hiding from you - unless you have a filter set to delete messages,
rather than moving them. If you do not have filters that delete
messages, then, you need to go looking for the missing messages, like
looking for chook nests, to find the eggs, when the chooks run free.
Bret Busby
West Australia
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