[Alpine-info] Vanishing Emails!

Chris M via Alpine-info alpine-info at u.washington.edu
Tue Jun 4 18:38:59 PDT 2024

This is my first email being sent from Alpine.

I noticed that 2 emails from Reddit.com just disapeared into nowhere! I
mean, the emails don't matter, It's not a big deal that I lost them.
The emails that were lost, were just a moderator reminder on a post
that I started, that reddit automatically sends when you post a new topic.

I think its because I sat up rules, and when I would do s, Archives2024,
enter, it popped up something about moving the email back to the Reddit

Yet, when you go to the Archives2024 folder in Alpine, it shows all 7
emails there, but Fastmail's webmail only shows 5 emails.

I have since deleted those rules out of Alpine.

I do keep webmail open in Vivaldi, shrunk down to the task bar just so I
get notifications when new emails come in. Is that an issue?


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