[AMP-L] Amputation Radically Changed How I Felt About My Body [Audio]

Wayne Renardson wayne.renardson at comcast.net
Fri Jul 8 12:02:56 PDT 2022

via The Mirror UK:

Amputation radically changed how I felt about my body - it made me
love it even more.

When I was 15, part of my right leg was amputated after being run
over by a boat and getting caught in the propellers. It´s never easy,
but amputation at this age can be particularly hard as a young girl
being bombarded with culture´s standard of beauty.

Over the years, I´ve noticed the world´s perception of my disability
changes depending on how I dress it up.

I walk well, so if I´m in trousers, I pass for able bodied. If I´m in
shorts, I get stares. If I´m in my high heel leg, I´m a glamorous
cyborg. If I´m lifting weights in the gym, I´m inspirational. If I am
long jumping on my blade against able bodied athletes, I´m cheating.
If I´m on crutches without a prosthetic leg, I´m pitied. If I´m in
situation where I have to crawl, the world feels awkward.

The rest of the story, with photo & audio, here:


with links to:

'Disabled people have a unique way to achieve their dreams - we must
not forget it'

'Disabled girls weren't expected to have sex, let alone enjoy it -
but I was determined'

Wayne R.

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