[AMP-L] Can ELIX 2.0 Tame Phantom Limb Pain With Good Vibrations?

Wayne Renardson wrenardson at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 13:06:44 PST 2022

via Amplitude:

We didn´t know what a massage gun was until our college-age son
placed one atop his holiday wish list last year. He´d been introduced to
the device by his roommate and weightlifting buddy, who applies it to
neck, back, and shoulders to pulse away the soreness after every

The same basic principle underlies TheraV´s wearable ELIX 2.0, a new
device that uses vibration therapy to blunt the pain of phantom and
residual limbs. Developed over the last four years by Delaware
entrepreneur Amira Radovic, the ELIX wraps around the residual limb
and purports to thwart PLP by jostling healthy nerve pathways to life,
thereby "shutting the gate" on false pain signals. Half a dozen
Paralympic gold medalists on the US sled-hockey team swear by the
experimental device, and dozens of amputee veterans have endorsed it.

The rest of the story, with photo, here:


with links to:

New Research Shows Potential for Phantom Motor Execution

The Trouble With Treatments for Phantom Limb Pain

FAQ: Phantom Limb Pain and Psilocybin
Wayne R.

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