[AMP-L] Low-Dose Naltrexone Holds Promise for Phantom Pain Relief

Wayne Renardson wrenardson at gmail.com
Wed May 4 15:50:48 PDT 2022

via Amplitude:

If you know anything about the the mild opioid naltrexone, it´s probably
in the context of treating drug and alcohol addiction. But a growing
body of research has shown that very small doses of naltrexone-less
than a tenth of the amount used to treat substance abuse-can alleviate
phantom limb pain and other forms of chronic pain without the
unwanted side effects.

[Be very wary of any drug called an opiate, mild or not, because as
Williams Burroughs said, "It matters not if you use opiates anally, up
your nose or up your arm, the end result is the same....addiction." -ed]

The rest of the story here:


Wayne R.

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