[AMP-L] Woman Helps Amputees Get New Look on Life [Video]

Wayne Renardson wrenardson at gmail.com
Thu May 5 16:09:46 PDT 2022

via KSAT San Antonio:

San Antonio Amputee Foundation gives amputees guidance and helps
them navigate the medical system.

>From war to diabetes to accidents, limb loss is more common than you

might think. According to the Amputee Coalition, 185,000 amputations
occur each year in the United States. More than 3.5 million people will
be living with limb loss by the year 2050.

Learning to live without an arm or a leg can be challenging and even
soul-crushing, but it doesn´t have to be.

One woman has been changing the lives of amputees for more than two
decades and challenging them to new heights.

"I had just turned 17," detailed Mona Patel, founder of the San Antonio
Amputee Foundation.

Patel remembers that day vividly on the campus of California Poly Tech.
That was the day a drunk driver changed the trajectory of her life

Patel told Ivanhoe, "I flew up 12 feet, across 6 feet. His car kept going
and I landed back on his car. And the second impact, he pinned me
between his car and a metal railing. That´s pretty much what smashed
the lower leg and foot.

The rest of the story, with video, here:


Wayne R.

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