[AMP-L] Man Keeps Cat's Amputated Leg in Special Home Display

Wayne Renardson wayne.renardson at comcast.net
Tue Sep 27 15:38:59 PDT 2022

via The Mirror, Britain:

News of the weird. Apologies to Chuck Shepherd.

After his cat's leg was savagely ripped off by the family dogs, Chris
Callan decided to 'do something special with it' - so he asked the
vet if he could take it home and put it on display.
A man has gone viral on TikTok and left users horrified after
showing them a rather odd piece of décor in his home - his cat´s
amputated leg.

Chris Callan, 25, has lived with his feline friend, Artemis Callan,
for four years after taking the then stray kitten in.

The teacher from Sydney, Australia, recalled the moment that his
beloved `Arte´ was caught up in a savage attack with the two family
dogs that left his leg dangling off.

The rest of the story, with photos, here:


Wayne R.

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