[AMP-L] LIMBER P&O Awarded $200,000

Wayne Renardson wayne.renardson at comcast.net
Thu Apr 27 14:08:37 PDT 2023

via O&P Edge:

LIMBER Prosthetics & Orthotics took the top prize with about $200,000
in funding at the San Diego Angel Conference (SDAC). The program,
which works with accredited angel investors and engages promising
early-stage companies with funding for potentially disruptive
solutions, is run through the University of San Diego Knauss School
of Business. The amount raised by LIMBER could increase as investors
may elect to invest in the startups as individual investors.
Historically, investors have exceeded both the investment amount and
number of companies funded.

LIMBER uses a systems-engineering approach to integrate imaging,
modeling, simulation, testing, and additive manufacturing to create
affordable, unibody prosthetic devices that can be tailored
specifically to each user´s needs.

The rest of the story here:


Wayne R.

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