[AMP-L] Central Fab's Role in 3D Printing of Prostheses

Wayne Renardson wayne.renardson at comcast.net
Tue Aug 22 11:42:32 PDT 2023

via The O&P Edge:

What kind of investment of time and training might it take for a
traditional prosthetic provider to get acquainted with 3D

It´s not the giant leap it used to be, says Shane Grubbs, MPO, CPO/L,
ProCare Ottobock.care, Georgia. "Within the last two years it´s
gotten a lot easier because now we have innovators with 3D printing
experience, like Brent Wright (Advanced 3D), Derick Schmidt, and
others willing to share their knowledge and insights. Larger
companies like Ottobock offer the MyFit TT, which uses automation
that also helps you with printing a socket.

The rest of the story here:


Wayne R.

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