[AMP-L] You never hear about quadruple amputees in nightclubs on LSD

Wayne Renardson wayne.renardson at comcast.net
Sat Sep 9 10:38:26 PDT 2023

via The Guardian:

After contracting meningococcal at 19, Tom Nash spent 18 painful
months in hospital having his limbs amputated. Two decades later, the
well-loved DJ explains why his experience left him better off.

There´s one question strangers always ask Tom Nash: "What happened to
you?" Some days he´ll say it was a shark attack that separated him
from his limbs, or maybe a disastrous trapeze incident.

If a taxi driver starts prying, he might tell them he used to drive a
cab until he had "a horrible accident". Or there was the time he
stepped into a packed elevator and, feeling the weight of curious
eyes on him, turned to his friend and deadpanned, "It´s really weird
to be back in this elevator - where it all happened."

The rest of the story, with photo, here:


with links to:

At 17, a shark attack cost me my leg. A year later, I´m back in the
water where I almost died.

Wayne R.

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