[Athen] Math and Science Access Update - WinTriangle Project

Ron Stewart ron.stewart at dolphinusa.com
Thu Dec 7 13:21:10 PST 2006

Ron would be willing to, but I would also like to include Vivek the project
and perhaps Dan Comden so he can talk about the complimentary work at the



From: athen-bounces at athenpro.org [mailto:athen-bounces at athenpro.org] On
Behalf Of Prof Norm Coombs
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 4:07 PM
To: Access Technologists in Higher Education Network
Subject: Re: [Athen] Math and Science Access Update - WinTriangle Project

Ron and ATHEN folk:

EASI wants to float an idea by you all.

If Ron is willing to make a presentation about these upgrades using our Web
conference system, EASI would love to put on this as a free Webinar and make
it a joint free public event co-hosted by ATHEN and EASI.


At 09:19 AM 12/6/2006, you wrote:

Good afternoon,

Some major work has been undertaken by the WinTriangle development team in
the last few months and a new version has been released. WinTriangle was
taken opensource a while back and in this instance it has paid off. I would
like to comment Vivek and the rest of the developers who continue this much
needed work.

Visit the updated site, and see how you can provide access to math and
science materials for your students.

Ron Stewart

Ron Stewart, Chair
AHEAD E-Text Solutions Group
231 Clarksville RD Suite 3
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550
ron at ahead.org
Athen mailing list
Athen at athenpro.org

EASI Courses on Accessible Information Technology for November:
Barrier-free E-learning (expanded and enriched with more multimedia)
EASI has 3 Podcast series: http://easi.cc/podcasts/
EASI Home http://easi.cc <http://easi.cc/>

Norman Coombs, Ph.D.
(949) 855-4852 ** Pacific time zone!

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