[athen] athen--question about student teaching

Pamela Cress pcress at ku.edu
Thu Feb 2 09:35:02 PST 2006

Connie, I posted your question on a list that includes several teachers
who are blind. I received a number of replies, some of which have
technology recommendations and some that have other types of
suggestions. I compiled the responses in the attached Word file.
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Pamela Cress
Research Associate
University of Kansas
Institute for Life Span Studies
Phone: 620-421-6550, ext. 1888
E-mail: pcress at ku.edu

On Feb 1, 2006, at 11:01 AM, Wiersma, Constance A wrote:

> Greetings:

> ?

> I have a student who has a significant visual impairment?she is

> legally blind.? She is planning to become a teacher with a preschool

> through third grade certification.? She is concerned about her

> inability to see the children in the classroom.? We are looking for

> some creative ways to assist her.? We have used a CCTV system with an

> external camera to pan the room with a student in the past.? We are

> looking at some similar technology probably using more than one camera

> and having screens mounted in strategic areas in the classroom.?

> Remote access to the cameras would be helpful.? She also wants to be

> able to find a way to participate in field trips, etc. and be able to

> monitor the children.

> ?

> Has anyone worked with such a situation??? Or does anyone have any

> suggestions?? Any and all suggestions?high tech, low tech, sharing job

> duties, etc. are welcome.?

> ?

> Thank you for your help with this.? I hope to see you at CSUN, where

> ever we find ourselves welcome to meet.

> ?

> Sincerely,

> ?

> Connie Wiersma, Assistant Director

> Center for Students with Disabilities

> University of Wisconsin-Whitewater?

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