[Athen] INFO - Open praxis call for papers (fwd)
Jennison Asuncion
asuncion at alcor.concordia.ca
Wed Oct 18 12:22:44 PDT 2006
I thought some here might find this invitation of interest.
Jennison Asuncion
Co-Director, Adaptech Research Network
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Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 14:18:13 -0400
Subject: INFO - Open praxis call for papers
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Open praxis call for papers
What is the role of distance education in the implementation of the right to education?
Open Praxis is launching a call for research and good practices papers to be published in 2008 concerning distance education and the right to education (in particular reference to article 26 of the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights):
What is the role of distance education in the implementation of the right to education?
How is distance education involved when education is seen as a right?
What is its position in educational policy, as a factor of quality and an instrument for liberty?
This theme can be approached from multiple points of view, pedagogical, sociological, economical, political, legal, etc. as developed in the enclosed description.
Open Praxis is ICDEs electronic journal for members only. Open Praxis is now launching this call for papers in collaboration with five other scientific journals with international influence and leadership, among others, in Europe, North America, and Asia:
· Asian Journal of Distance Education : http://www.asianjde.org/
· Distances et savoirs: www.cned.fr/ds, http://ds.revuesonline.com
· EURODL : http://www.eurodl.org/
· Journal of Asynchronous Learning Network: http://www.sloan-c.org/publications/jaln/
· IRRODL: http://www.irrodl.org/
· Open Praxis : http://www.openpraxis.com/
Final texts selected by each participating journal (according to the usual scientific process of anonymous expertise) will be published in their original language on a common website, with open access; they will also be published on the usual web sites of the journals, and in the printed versions of those journals (if they have one), either in their original language or translated.
Authors will benefit from a wide international dissemination, and their work will make up a common international reference regarding distance education and the universal question of the right to education.
- October 2006: call for papers
- January 31st, 2007: deadline for submitting summaries of propositions for articles (500 to 1000 maximum words);
- April 1st, 2007: Notification to authors of selected propositions;
- December 1st, 2007: deadline for submitting the first version of full text;
- January 1st, 2008: Final versions of texts;
- Spring 2008: All selected texts published on common website of participating journals.
For Open Praxis, abstracts are to be sent to: perona at icde.org
Information concerning texts format: format for contributions to open praxis
Articles will have to conform to usual scientific requirements: research hypothesis, methodology, references, contextualisation, results and prospects.
Scientific committee : Terry Anderson (ORRODL), John Bourne (JALN), Reidar Roll, Svein Haaland, Ana Perona (Open Praxis), Ramesh C SHARMA (AsianJDE), Alan Tait (EURODL) and Martine Vidal, Monique Grandbastien, Pierre Moeglin (D&S).
Members of ICDE have access to our electronic journal, Open Praxis, where the articles on this subject will be published. If you are not already a member, but would like to join our organization you are welcome to apply for membership online.
Best Wishes,
Nina Bagley
Chief of Information and Membership Services
Lilleakerveien 23, 0283 Oslo, Norway
phone: +47 22 06 26 32
fax: +47 22 06 26 31
e-mail: bagley at icde.org
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