[Athen] Top Tech-Savvy Community Coll...

Berkowitz, Daniel J djbrky at bu.edu
Tue Apr 10 11:45:51 PDT 2007


The Chronicle of Higher Education Wired Campus Blog has posted a list of
the "Top Tech-Savvy Community Colleges" in the United States. The
category of "Small colleges - less than 3,000 students" caught my eye:

1st: Patrick Henry Community College, Martinsville, Va. (tie)
1st: Tompkins Cortland Community College <http://www.sunytccc.edu/> ,
Dryden, N.Y. (tie)
2nd: Central Wyoming College, Riverton, Wyo.

Why - might you ask is this so interestign to this blog? Well, it just
so happens that long-time ATHEN and AHEAD E-Text Solutions Group
<http://ahead.org/etext/etext_main.htm> member Khaki Wunderlich is the
Associate Dean of Learning Supportand Organizational Development and the
Access Tech Goddess for the campus
<http://www.sunytccc.edu/bcl/d_adaptive.asp> .

Now I'm not saying that Khaki is the reason TC3 made this list -- but
she certainly deserves kudos!

Posted By D. Berkowitz to Access Technologists Higher Education Network
named.html> at 4/10/2007 02:42:00 PM

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