[Athen] AJAX Accessibility

Kilcommons,Cath cathk at cahs.colostate.edu
Tue Aug 14 10:05:57 PDT 2007

Hi Norm,
John Foliot has put together 10 "Must Read" articles on AJAX and Accessibility at http://soap.stanford.edu/show.php?contentid=65

Max Kiesler has compiled: How to make your AJAX Applications accessible - 40 Tutorials and articles. http://www.maxkiesler.com/index.php/weblog/comments/how_to_make_your_ajax_applications_accessible/

http://www.standards-schmandards.com/2005/ajax-and-accessibility/ how usability and accessibility of AJAX forms can be improved.


Cath Stager-Kilcommons
ACCESS Project
Colorado State University
cathk at cahs.colostate.edu<mailto:cathk at cahs.colostate.edu>

From: athen-bounces at athenpro.org [mailto:athen-bounces at athenpro.org] On Behalf Of Prof Norm Coombs
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 10:34 AM
To: athen-athenpro.org
Subject: [Athen] AJAX Accessibility

I'm aware that AJAX has accessibility problems. I recall reading something about some work being done on this topic but cannot recall what or where.

Does anyone know of any articles or work on this topic?


EASI Courses and Webinars for September
Online Course: Barrier-free Information Technology:
<http://www.easi.cc/workshop.htm>Webinar 4-part series: Accessible Vodcasts, Making Captions for a Personal Portable Player:
<http://www.easi.cc/clinic.htm>Free Webinar: Accessible E-books in Higher Ed, the Future is Coming:

<http://www.easi.cc/clinic.htm>Norman Coombs CEO EASI
22196 Caminito Tasquillo
Laguna Hills CA 92653
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