[Athen] DMCA and Fair Use

Sarah Horton Sarah.Horton at Dartmouth.EDU
Wed Feb 28 12:15:03 PST 2007

--- Kerri A. Hicks wrote:
While current Fair Use provisions allow us to *use the material*, it
is illegal to *extract the material* to use, if that material is
protected by some sort of digital rights management or copy
--- end of quote ---

Hi, Kerri! I'm new here and can tell already already I'm going to learn a lot from this list!

This copyright stuff makes my head spin, but I was wondering about how the November 2006 "Rulemaking on Exemptions from Prohibition on Circumvention of Technological Measures that Control Access to Copyrighted Works" figures into the discussion. It seems to allow circumvention in an educationcal context - at least for media studies and film professors!



Sarah Horton
Academic Computing
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH USA
sarah.horton at dartmouth.edu

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