[Athen] Athen Digest, Vol 12, Issue 29

Saroj Primlani saroj_primlani at ncsu.edu
Fri Jan 26 07:30:30 PST 2007

Fromm what I understand the Transcription aid is an editing tool that
helps someone do the post porocessing edits to the document to make the
necessary corrections to the transcribed document. I has some good
functionailty built to ease the editing process, similar to the built in
facilities with the Pro version. It does not enhance or improve accuracy
Saroj Primlani
Coordinator of University IT Accessibility
NC State Campus Box 7109
Raleigh, NC 27695-7109
Phone: 919-513-4087

Email: Saroj_Primlani at ncsu.edu

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> Today's Topics:


> 1. Transcription Aid for Dragon (Stacy L. Smith)

> 2. Re: Transcription Aid for Dragon (Wink Harner)

> 3. Re: Transcription Aid for Dragon (E.A. Draffan)

> 4. Re: Transcription Aid for Dragon (Stacy L. Smith)

> 5. Re: Transcription Aid for Dragon (Wink Harner)

> 6. Zoomtext for MS Win2002 (Berkowitz, Daniel J)

> 7. More ZT Questions (Berkowitz, Daniel J)



> ----------------------------------------------------------------------


> Message: 1

> Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 16:08:06 -0600

> From: "Stacy L. Smith" <stacylee at ksu.edu>

> Subject: [Athen] Transcription Aid for Dragon

> To: Access Technologists in Higher Education Network

> <athen at athenpro.org>

> Message-ID: <1169676486.45b7d8c63cbf0 at webmail.ksu.edu>

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1


> Has anyone seen/heard of/used this product? Its purpose is to take

> audio files, run them through Dragon, and then provide you with

> transcription software to correct the transcript as you listen to the

> audio. It's supposed to work with Dragon to improve accuracy as you

> correct the transcript.


> http://www.transcriptiongear.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=TRANSAID-SGL&Category_Code=DIGITRANS-TOP&Product_Count=1


> I'd love to have some kind of process by which I can create transcripts

> for recorded lectures without having to type out every word (or listen

> and then speak to Dragon). This *sounds* wonderful....but sometimes

> things that sound great, aren't. I'm really interested in hearing your

> feedback.


> Thanks,

> Stacy




> Stacy Smith

> Adaptive Technology Specialist

> Disability Support Services

> 202 Holton Hall

> Kansas State University

> Manhattan, KS 66506

> Phone: 785-532-6441

> FAX: 785-532-6457

> Email: stacylee at ksu.edu


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> ------------------------------


> Message: 2

> Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 17:38:28 -0700

> From: Wink Harner <wink.harner at mcmail.maricopa.edu>

> Subject: Re: [Athen] Transcription Aid for Dragon

> To: Access Technologists in Higher Education Network

> <athen at athenpro.org>

> Message-ID: <45B7FC04.8060604 at mcmail.maricopa.edu>

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


> Stacy et al in Athenland,


> I personally use it the one with Dragon and several of our students use

> similar ones for class note transcriptions. One student has used a

> stand-alone speech-to-text digital recorder (panasonic, I think) which

> works extremely well for his needs. There is some editing involved in

> both cases, but with the new Version 9 of Dragon the headache factor has

> been much reduced! Our student who uses the panasonic (it's RRUS360

> model) has raved over the practicality & usability of it. You can listen

> to it as an audio file and with the software installed on your PC, the

> recorder hooks up via a USB connection and the transcription is pretty

> automatic. Some editing would be necessary, but with a copy of the notes

> from class, it's not that hard to correct.


> Hope this is helpful.


> Wink

> Ms. Wink Harner

> Manager

> Disability Resources & Services

> Mesa Community College





> Stacy L. Smith wrote:


>>Has anyone seen/heard of/used this product? Its purpose is to take

>>audio files, run them through Dragon, and then provide you with

>>transcription software to correct the transcript as you listen to the

>>audio. It's supposed to work with Dragon to improve accuracy as you

>>correct the transcript.




>>I'd love to have some kind of process by which I can create transcripts

>>for recorded lectures without having to type out every word (or listen

>>and then speak to Dragon). This *sounds* wonderful....but sometimes

>>things that sound great, aren't. I'm really interested in hearing your








>>Stacy Smith

>>Adaptive Technology Specialist

>>Disability Support Services

>>202 Holton Hall

>>Kansas State University

>>Manhattan, KS 66506

>>Phone: 785-532-6441

>>FAX: 785-532-6457

>>Email: stacylee at ksu.edu



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>>Athen mailing list

>>Athen at athenpro.org








> ------------------------------


> Message: 3

> Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 09:05:44 -0000

> From: "E.A. Draffan" <ea at emptech.info>

> Subject: Re: [Athen] Transcription Aid for Dragon

> To: "'Access Technologists in Higher Education Network'"

> <athen at athenpro.org>

> Message-ID: <002101c7405f$ff9b7f40$0a01a8c0 at laptop>

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


> To add to the collection of Dictaphones that work well - If you want an

> accessible one for transcription try the Olympus DS-30 and DS-40 ( or

> DS-50

> possibly UK only) as they have been designed with the help of the RNIB

> and

> all have audible or voice feedback for their navigation actions - the

> buttons are tactile and the screen much more readable. Very easy menu

> system, download options and transcription with Dragon Naturallyspeaking

> 9

> http://www.olympusamerica.com/cpg_section/cpg_vr_digitalrecorders.asp


> I have one and it really has worked well in many settings. At the moment

> we reckon you benefit from using an extra directional microphone placed

> near

> the speaker if you are recording a lecture but the UK Olympus man said

> they

> were thinking of bringing out a separate more powerful mic for the DS-50

> which has a tie-click type for the removable mic at the moment.


> Best Wishes E.A.


> Mrs E.A. Draffan

> Assistive Technologist

> Mobile: 07976 289103

> http://www.emptech.info/


> -----Original Message-----

> From: athen-bounces at athenpro.org [mailto:athen-bounces at athenpro.org] On

> Behalf Of Wink Harner

> Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 12:38 AM

> To: Access Technologists in Higher Education Network

> Subject: Re: [Athen] Transcription Aid for Dragon


> Stacy et al in Athenland,


> I personally use it the one with Dragon and several of our students use

> similar ones for class note transcriptions. One student has used a

> stand-alone speech-to-text digital recorder (panasonic, I think) which

> works

> extremely well for his needs. There is some editing involved in both

> cases,

> but with the new Version 9 of Dragon the headache factor has been much

> reduced! Our student who uses the panasonic (it's RRUS360

> model) has raved over the practicality & usability of it. You can listen

> to

> it as an audio file and with the software installed on your PC, the

> recorder

> hooks up via a USB connection and the transcription is pretty automatic.

> Some editing would be necessary, but with a copy of the notes from class,

> it's not that hard to correct.


> Hope this is helpful.


> Wink

> Ms. Wink Harner

> Manager

> Disability Resources & Services

> Mesa Community College





> Stacy L. Smith wrote:


>>Has anyone seen/heard of/used this product? Its purpose is to take

>>audio files, run them through Dragon, and then provide you with

>>transcription software to correct the transcript as you listen to the

>>audio. It's supposed to work with Dragon to improve accuracy as you

>>correct the transcript.





>>I'd love to have some kind of process by which I can create transcripts

>>for recorded lectures without having to type out every word (or listen

>>and then speak to Dragon). This *sounds* wonderful....but sometimes

>>things that sound great, aren't. I'm really interested in hearing your








>>Stacy Smith

>>Adaptive Technology Specialist

>>Disability Support Services

>>202 Holton Hall

>>Kansas State University

>>Manhattan, KS 66506

>>Phone: 785-532-6441

>>FAX: 785-532-6457

>>Email: stacylee at ksu.edu



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>>notify us immediately by e-mail, and delete the original message.



>>Athen mailing list

>>Athen at athenpro.org






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> Athen mailing list

> Athen at athenpro.org

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> ------------------------------


> Message: 4

> Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 09:39:32 -0600

> From: "Stacy L. Smith" <stacylee at ksu.edu>

> Subject: Re: [Athen] Transcription Aid for Dragon

> To: Access Technologists in Higher Education Network

> <athen at athenpro.org>

> Message-ID: <1169739572.45b8cf342faa0 at webmail.ksu.edu>

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1


> Wink -


> Thanks for the response! I wanted to clarify, though - are you using

> Dragon alone, or Dragon with this Transcription Aid program?


> Stacy


> Quoting Wink Harner <wink.harner at mcmail.maricopa.edu>:


>> Stacy et al in Athenland,


>> I personally use it the one with Dragon and several of our students

>> use

>> similar ones for class note transcriptions. One student has used a

>> stand-alone speech-to-text digital recorder (panasonic, I think)

>> which

>> works extremely well for his needs. There is some editing involved

>> in

>> both cases, but with the new Version 9 of Dragon the headache factor

>> has

>> been much reduced! Our student who uses the panasonic (it's RRUS360

>> model) has raved over the practicality & usability of it. You can

>> listen

>> to it as an audio file and with the software installed on your PC,

>> the

>> recorder hooks up via a USB connection and the transcription is

>> pretty

>> automatic. Some editing would be necessary, but with a copy of the

>> notes

>> from class, it's not that hard to correct.


>> Hope this is helpful.


>> Wink

>> Ms. Wink Harner

>> Manager

>> Disability Resources & Services

>> Mesa Community College





>> Stacy L. Smith wrote:


>> >Has anyone seen/heard of/used this product? Its purpose is to take

>> >audio files, run them through Dragon, and then provide you with

>> >transcription software to correct the transcript as you listen to

>> the

>> >audio. It's supposed to work with Dragon to improve accuracy as you

>> >correct the transcript.

>> >



>> >

>> >I'd love to have some kind of process by which I can create

>> transcripts

>> >for recorded lectures without having to type out every word (or

>> listen

>> >and then speak to Dragon). This *sounds* wonderful....but sometimes

>> >things that sound great, aren't. I'm really interested in hearing

>> your

>> >feedback.

>> >

>> >Thanks,

>> >Stacy

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >Stacy Smith

>> >Adaptive Technology Specialist

>> >Disability Support Services

>> >202 Holton Hall

>> >Kansas State University

>> >Manhattan, KS 66506

>> >Phone: 785-532-6441

>> >FAX: 785-532-6457

>> >Email: stacylee at ksu.edu

>> >

>> >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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>> If

>> >you have received this communication in error, please notify us

>> >immediately by e-mail, and delete the original message.

>> >

>> >_______________________________________________

>> >Athen mailing list

>> >Athen at athenpro.org

>> >http://athenpro.org/mailman/listinfo/athen_athenpro.org

>> >

>> >



>> _______________________________________________

>> Athen mailing list

>> Athen at athenpro.org

>> http://athenpro.org/mailman/listinfo/athen_athenpro.org





> Stacy Smith

> Adaptive Technology Specialist

> Disability Support Services

> 202 Holton Hall

> Kansas State University

> Manhattan, KS 66506

> Phone: 785-532-6441

> FAX: 785-532-6457

> Email: stacylee at ksu.edu


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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> immediately by e-mail, and delete the original message.




> ------------------------------


> Message: 5

> Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 09:27:48 -0700

> From: Wink Harner <wink.harner at mcmail.maricopa.edu>

> Subject: Re: [Athen] Transcription Aid for Dragon

> To: Access Technologists in Higher Education Network

> <athen at athenpro.org>

> Message-ID: <45B8DA84.9030507 at mcmail.maricopa.edu>

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed


> Stacy,


> I use both --in the office & the classroom I use Dragon w/Bluetooth for

> both office work & presentation/teaching (and the students LOVE the

> geekiness of my using wireless dictation in the classroom!!), and in

> meetings I use the portable one because I cannot physically take notes.

> I subscribe to the state motto for Missouri --"show me"-- and try stuff

> out before I either buy it or recommend it.


> Both work. Depends on what the student needs to be able to do. One is

> not dependent on the other --the only reason I recommended using the one

> packaged with Dragon is that IF you are using Dragon at the desktop, the

> equipment that works best is often the one the software company

> recommends and the voice files are compatible.


> Any more questions? Just ask!


> Wink



> Stacy L. Smith wrote:


>>Wink -


>>Thanks for the response! I wanted to clarify, though - are you using

>>Dragon alone, or Dragon with this Transcription Aid program?




>>Quoting Wink Harner <wink.harner at mcmail.maricopa.edu>:




>>>Stacy et al in Athenland,


>>>I personally use it the one with Dragon and several of our students


>>>similar ones for class note transcriptions. One student has used a

>>>stand-alone speech-to-text digital recorder (panasonic, I think)


>>>works extremely well for his needs. There is some editing involved


>>>both cases, but with the new Version 9 of Dragon the headache factor


>>>been much reduced! Our student who uses the panasonic (it's RRUS360

>>>model) has raved over the practicality & usability of it. You can


>>>to it as an audio file and with the software installed on your PC,


>>>recorder hooks up via a USB connection and the transcription is


>>>automatic. Some editing would be necessary, but with a copy of the


>>>from class, it's not that hard to correct.


>>>Hope this is helpful.



>>>Ms. Wink Harner


>>>Disability Resources & Services

>>>Mesa Community College





>>>Stacy L. Smith wrote:




>>>>Has anyone seen/heard of/used this product? Its purpose is to take

>>>>audio files, run them through Dragon, and then provide you with

>>>>transcription software to correct the transcript as you listen to






>>>>audio. It's supposed to work with Dragon to improve accuracy as you

>>>>correct the transcript.







>>>>I'd love to have some kind of process by which I can create






>>>>for recorded lectures without having to type out every word (or






>>>>and then speak to Dragon). This *sounds* wonderful....but sometimes

>>>>things that sound great, aren't. I'm really interested in hearing













>>>>Stacy Smith

>>>>Adaptive Technology Specialist

>>>>Disability Support Services

>>>>202 Holton Hall

>>>>Kansas State University

>>>>Manhattan, KS 66506

>>>>Phone: 785-532-6441

>>>>FAX: 785-532-6457

>>>>Email: stacylee at ksu.edu



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>>>>you have received this communication in error, please notify us

>>>>immediately by e-mail, and delete the original message.



>>>>Athen mailing list

>>>>Athen at athenpro.org







>>>Athen mailing list

>>>Athen at athenpro.org








>>Stacy Smith

>>Adaptive Technology Specialist

>>Disability Support Services

>>202 Holton Hall

>>Kansas State University

>>Manhattan, KS 66506

>>Phone: 785-532-6441

>>FAX: 785-532-6457

>>Email: stacylee at ksu.edu



>>This information is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient

>>or an agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you

>>are hereby notified that you have received this document in error and

>>that any review, dissemination, copying, or the taking of any action

>>based on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If

>>you have received this communication in error, please notify us

>>immediately by e-mail, and delete the original message.



>>Athen mailing list

>>Athen at athenpro.org








> ------------------------------


> Message: 6

> Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 13:38:10 -0500

> From: "Berkowitz, Daniel J" <djbrky at bu.edu>

> Subject: [Athen] Zoomtext for MS Win2002

> To: "Access Technologists in Higher Education Network"

> <athen at athenpro.org>

> Message-ID: <7D1ADD40E83FAB45B7939DF1860C711696607A at XMS3.ad2.bu.edu>

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


> Colleagues,


> A campus department contacted me and needs ZT loaded on a workstation

> for a l/v student. They are adamant that it be compatible with

> MS-Windows 2002. So adamant, in fact, that they have me second guessing

> which specific version of ZoomText I should load. I have discs going

> back to 8.02.


> Any suggestions as to the proper load or should I pull up my bootstraps

> and tell the department IT folk to get out of my way?


> --Dann



> =========================

> Daniel Berkowitz - Assistant Director

> Boston University Office of Disability Services

> 19 Deerfield Street, 2nd floor

> Boston, MA 02215


> (617) 353-3658 (office)

> (617) 353-9646 (fax)

> djbrky at bu.edu (eMail)

> www.bu.edu/disability






> ------------------------------


> Message: 7

> Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 13:54:28 -0500

> From: "Berkowitz, Daniel J" <djbrky at bu.edu>

> Subject: [Athen] More ZT Questions

> To: "Access Technologists in Higher Education Network"

> <athen at athenpro.org>

> Message-ID: <7D1ADD40E83FAB45B7939DF1860C71169660DD at XMS3.ad2.bu.edu>

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


> How exactly does the Networked version of ZoomText work?



> =========================

> Daniel Berkowitz - Assistant Director

> Boston University Office of Disability Services

> 19 Deerfield Street, 2nd floor

> Boston, MA 02215


> (617) 353-3658 (office)

> (617) 353-9646 (fax)

> djbrky at bu.edu (eMail)

> www.bu.edu/disability






> ------------------------------


> _______________________________________________

> Athen mailing list

> Athen at athenpro.org

> http://athenpro.org/mailman/listinfo/athen_athenpro.org



> End of Athen Digest, Vol 12, Issue 29

> *************************************


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