[Athen] FW: seeking presenter recommendations for two sigs
Berkowitz, Daniel J
djbrky at bu.edu
Wed Jul 25 06:56:03 PDT 2007
Of interest - especially if you or someone you know is in the Northeast.
From: Eileen McMahon [mailto:Eileen.Mcmahon at umb.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 9:38 AM
Subject: seeking presenter recommendations for two sigs
Hi Sig Masters,
I'm looking for presenters for two sigs:
A total of three experienced instructional designers to speak at
"Learning From Video Games: Designing Digital Curriculum" scheduled for
Oct. 1st SIG in Southbridge. Each designer will be asked to analyze an
assigned video or computer game title in advance of the meeting and
present the structural elements and features that could be incorporated
in digital curriculum design in a panel session. If you know of an
instructional designer who would be interested in participating, please
send me their name and e-mail address and I will contact them directly.
Presenters for "Educational Mashups2" SIG scheduled for April 28th at
the New England Center in Durham, NH. I'm looking for a variety of
mashups content using WEB 2.0 tools that can be integrated into an
educational curriculum. If you know of someone who has created
educational mashups who might be interested in presenting at this event
please let me know. Alternatively if you know of someone who might be
interested in creating a cool educational Mmashup too present at this
Sig also please e-mail me (Eileen.mcmahon at umb.edu) or call me at
Thank you in advance for your help with this!
-Eileen McMahon
Eileen McMahon, Ed. M
Educational Technologies
U. Mass. Boston
eileen.mcmahon at umb.edu
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