[Athen] EASI Webinars: Ten Webinars are Scheduled
Prof Norm Coombs
norm.coombs at gmail.com
Wed Aug 20 09:28:31 PDT 2008
EASI Webinars from now to Thanksgiving! The list below includes 7 public
Webinars and 3 paid series which are free to EASI annual members. We are
planning lots
more for the winter and they will be posted soon.
Membership does at least 3 things for you. Besides giving you access to
all the paid Webinar series and giving you a 20% reduction on courses, you
can take pride in
helping to make it possible for us to provide a number of free Webinars for
the public. You can help others while helping yourself!
Here, I have only provided a skeleton about each event. Read more and
register from:
Read about membership at:
Public Webinar: Understanding the New Look of Office 2007
Saturday August 23 at 2 PM Eastern
Presenter Joel Isaac
Public Webinar: Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Version 2 Guidelines
September 11 at 2 PM Eastern
Presenters: Judy Brewer and Michael Cooper
Public Webinar: Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic Update
Thursday September 18 at 2 PM Eastern
Presenter: Steve noble
Public Webinar: Improving Accessibility of Troublesome PDF Files
Sept. 24 at 2 PM Eastern
Presenter: Andrew Downie, SEO, Adaptive Technologies, Australia
Public Webinar: Understanding Electronic Document Formats
Thur. Sept. 25 at 2 PM Eastern
Presenter Robert Beach
Attend a Virtual Conference on Accessible Distance Education
EASI Paid Series of 4 live Webinars Sept. 9, 16, 23, 30 at 2 PM
Presenter Norman Coombs, Ph.D. and EASI CEO
(This is free for Webinar annual members)
Week 1 Sept. 9: Overview of distance learning accessibility
Week 2 Sept. 16: Accessible distance learning is a three-legged stool
Week 3 Sept. 23: Designing simple, accessible content for distance education
Week 4 Sept. 30: More complex content: multimedia, science, math and graphics
EASI 4-part fee-based PDF Webinar Series
Accessible and Usable PDF Documents: Techniques for Document Design
Tuesdays October 7, 14, 21, 28 all at 2 PM Eastern
(This fee-based series is free to all annual members)
Presenter : Karen McCall
October 7: Creating PDF with authoring tools and by scanning from hard copy
October 14: Document tagging and logical document structure
October 21: Adobe repair tools are important to help fix a document that lacks
some accessibility.
October 28: Exporting documents created with other authoring tools like Word
into an accessible PDF format.
Public EASI Webinar: Making Accessible Forms in MS Word
Thursday October 16 at 2 PM Eastern
Presenters: Dan Clark from Freedom Scientific and Norm Coombs from EASI
Public Webinar: Making Movies in Theaters Fully Accessible
Oct. 23 at 2 Eastern
Presenter: Mary Watkins from WGBH
Fee-based Webinar: Taming Microsoft Word and Excel 2003 & 2007
While Providing Output That Is Fully Accessible
Tuesday, November 4, 11, 18 and 25 (2PM EASTERN)
Presenter: Norm Coombs
(This fee-based series is free to all annual members)
Week 1 Nov. 4: What are styles in Word; why use them and how to set them up
Week 2 Nov. 11: Making images, tables and forms accessible in Word
Week 3 Nov. 18: Exporting documents from Word to PDF or to the Web
Week 4 Nov. 25: Making Excel spreadsheets more accessible to users with
December public Webinars are under discussion!
I have only provided a skeleton about each event. Read more and register from:
Read about membership at:
Norman Coombs
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Norman Coombs norm.coombs at gmail.com
CEO EASI Equal Access to Software and Information
phone (949) 855-4852 (NOTE pacific time zone)
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