[Athen] Fwd: Care Page for Dick
Prof Norm Coombs
norm.coombs at gmail.com
Thu Jul 3 09:11:45 PDT 2008
This is Norm Coombs. I know many on this list are friends of Dick Banks
and are concerned about the details of his cancer. Mayo Clinic has a care
Web page and message board. I had to register an account (free) and when I
go back need that username and password. I had trouble locating the actual
page for Dick. However, I got a notice when the page was updated and I
followed that link and got there without any trouble.
Below is mail I got from his wife about the page.
>Delivered-To: norm.coombs at gmail.com
>Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 10:37:55 -0500
>From: "Carol Banks" <carol.rollingalong at gmail.com>
>To: libby.cohen at nie.edu.sg, nancy at lightbody.org, cartoonistman at charter.net,
> norm.coombs at gmail.com, madcisco13 at hotmail.com, bryce823 at yahoo.com,
> littlepj63 at gmail.com, skullz_77 at yahoo.com, shawn at hilohunting.com,
> gbanks3 at gmail.com, heatherkadinger at yahoo.com, gsteward at wwib.com,
> pastoraage at oakridgelbc.org, brown.linda14 at mayo.edu,
> rosie-jl at charter.net, jerrymj at baldwin-telecom.net,
> vwagner at bakke-norman.com
>Subject: Care Page for Dick
>Cc: letsgo_pens at yahoo.com
>This is just to let everyone know that the Care Page for Dick has been
>set up. We just had his "About Me" narrative sent up on his Care
>Page. As you will read, Dick has had quite a varied and interesting
>life, and, of course, many of you know him as an interesting--and
>unique!--individual from both a personal and professional level. From
>what I've already read from the well wishes from family and friends,
>we know that he is very much loved and respected. This way, we can
>all read about his journey with cancer on his Care Page.
>So, I, and our daughter, invite you to view his Care Page at:
>I'll send you an Invite from the website itself so that you can go to
>Dick's page on your own. I also invite you to send on this
>information to others, since I can't possibly write to everyone about
>this page, since we, and especially Dick, just know way too many
>people to include everyone!
>So now, let's join Dick in this journey, and then let's hope and pray
>that we will see more progress as I have already posted on his Care
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