[Athen] Two things

John Foliot - Stanford Online Accessibility Program jfoliot at stanford.edu
Wed Mar 5 16:46:28 PST 2008

Charlie Jordan wrote:

> Also -- not to beat a dead horse, but if you've been captioning,

> would you mind giving advice about what file formats we should be

> offering videos in? Many of my institution's promo videos are in

> quicktime and wmv; are there better choices both for captioning and

> "playability" features?

Repost from earlier today to another list:


You want to investigate the JW FLV Player.
[http://www.jeroenwijering.com/?item=JW_FLV_Player] Most of the heavy
lifting has already been done for you.

You will need a copy of Flash CS3 to create your FLV files (or any other
flash tool that can export FLV files), and of course you will need a
time-stamped Transcript file. JW FLV currently supports files in either the
.SRT format or (allegedly the DFXP) .XML format
[http://www.jeroenwijering.com/?item=Making_Video_Accessible], although I
have not been able to get that to work (??). However using .SRT, it is/was

(You can generate an SRT file using a number of shareware/free tools - I
like and have used Subtitle Workshop

Once you have the FLV and SRT files, upload them (along with the JW_FLV
Player SWF) to your server, embed some code into your web-page, and presto:
YouTube style streaming + captioned video.
[http://soap.stanford.edu/jw_flv_player/index.html] Note that the
captioning can be toggled on or off (The "T" in the toolbar), and that your
videos can be "branded" using a separate, semi-transparent PNG file (cool
factor). As an additional benefit, the JW FLV Player can also support an
additional descriptive audio file (as MP3) - making it one of the most
accessible playback mechanisms I've run across.

One item to note: due to security settings in Flash, the SWF, FLV and SRT
files all need to originate from the same server, although I have
successfully placed the files in individual sub-directories of the root IP

Hope that helps

John Foliot
Academic Technology Consultant
Stanford Online Accessibility Program
Stanford University
Tel: 650-862-4603

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