[Athen] Mac User and Kruzweil

Brown, Carol cbrown at ad.nmsu.edu
Fri Mar 28 07:14:47 PDT 2008

We started Kurzweil License-To-Go this semester. Recently, I had someone who was interested in it, but has a MAC. The student feels they are being denied the same opportunity that PC users have.
Since I understand that the PC version works if you are running Boot Camp, it doesn't seem cost effective to purchase the Mac version of Kurzweil. The student states her computer is two years old, and doesn't have Boot Camp.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Carol Brown
Assistive Technology Specialist
Services for Students with Disabilities
Rm. 244, Corbett Center
MSC 4149
New Mexico State University
P.O. Box 30001
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003-8001

(505) 646-6840 Office
(505) 646-5222 Fax
(505) 646-1918 TTY

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