[Athen] Mac User and Kruzweil
dann at digilifemedia.biz
Fri Mar 28 08:14:10 PDT 2008
My response would be to look past the proprietary program and find out what the student needs and seek an alternative. I frequently roll my eyes at the so called "Kurzweil Campuses" because they put much money into this program when the typically student end-user really only needs a simple text-to-speech or e-text reader. It is the rare student that uses more than the basic read out loud feature of Kurzweil. I usually compare this to MS-Word where the typical user only makes use of 20-percent of what the program is capable of.
Someone needs to take the time with student and find out what exactly it is they need and how exactly they need to access it. If it does turn out that this student is a Kurzweil power-user and wants/needs/actually uses all of the bells and whistles then simple fairness dictates that the Mac version be provided.
Perhaps Kurzweil is willing to be flexible with the license and can provide a Mac version+license as part of the contract. I'd call the Rep and ask for this.
--- Dann
Daniel Berkowitz
Digilife Media, LLC
(email) dann at digilifemedia.biz
(mobile) 978-914-4601
++sent via mobile device++
----- Original Message -----
From: athen-bounces at athenpro.org <athen-bounces at athenpro.org>
To: athen at athenpro.org <athen at athenpro.org>
Sent: Fri Mar 28 09:14:47 2008
Subject: [Athen] Mac User and Kruzweil
We started Kurzweil License-To-Go this semester. Recently, I had someone who was interested in it, but has a MAC. The student feels they are being denied the same opportunity that PC users have.
Since I understand that the PC version works if you are running Boot Camp, it doesn’t seem cost effective to purchase the Mac version of Kurzweil. The student states her computer is two years old, and doesn’t have Boot Camp.
Any feedback would be appreciated.
Carol Brown
Assistive Technology Specialist
Services for Students with Disabilities
Rm. 244, Corbett Center
MSC 4149
New Mexico State University
P.O. Box 30001
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003-8001
(505) 646-6840 Office
(505) 646-5222 Fax
(505) 646-1918 TTY
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