[Athen] where are you getting your accessibility info?

Crabb, Nolan Crabb.15 at osu.edu
Sat Dec 5 07:29:23 PST 2009

I tend to use both Twitter and e-nail.


Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 5, 2009, at 10:07 AM, "Jennison Mark Asuncion" <asuncion at alcor.concordia.ca
> wrote:

> Hello,


> With social media becoming ever more popular, I'm personally curious

> where folks are turning to most often when seeking accessibility-

> related information: e-mail discussion lists, social media, or a

> combination of the two?


> I've been a faithful e-mail discussion list user since I started

> using the internet in the mid-90s. However, over the last few years,

> especially with the advent of Twitter, I'm finding some of the

> richer accessibility info is being communicated through social

> media. One of my concerns is that there may be a

> gap that is growing in terms of accessibility info sharing based on

> which channel folks use. Of course, who has the time to monitor and

> contribute to everything


> This is something I've been reflecting upon for a bit, and thought

> I'd take a temperature check.


> I'm asking a similar question on Twitter and LinkedIn as well. If

> folks are interested, I can compile the answers I receive and share

> a high-level summary in a few weeks.


> Jennison


> Jennison Asuncion

> Co-Director, Adaptech Research Network http://www.adaptech.org

> LinkedIn at http://www.linkedin.com/in/jennison


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