[Athen] Athen Digest, Vol 47, Issue 5
Katherine Mancuso
kmancuso at gmail.com
Sat Dec 5 13:09:28 PST 2009
I rely mostly on Twitter because I don't know how to learn where other
resources are. Nobody takes a lot of time to "teach" me anything
about professional development so I mostly find it on Twitter because
I'm already there. It took me about six months of paying attention on
Twitter to learn about this list (I didn't say it was an efficient
means of communication); I also subscribe to AHEAD's lists, DSSHE, and
Web-AIM, but I don't know if there are others. In addition, I use
LinkedIn groups, but I find them less helpful.
Katherine Mancuso: crusader of community art, social technology, & disability
Center for Assistive Technology & Environmental Access (http://www.catea.org)
Georgia Tech, Digital Media (http://dm.gatech.edu)
The Vesuvius Group: metaverse community builders
Gimp Girl Community Liaison/Research Fellow (http://www.gimpgirl.com)
Alternate ROOTS: arts*community*activism (http://www.alternateroots.org)
Students Working Against Negative Stereotypes of Autism, Georgia Tech.
(gtautism at gmail.com)
Contact in the web, the metaverse, the world:
SL: Muse Carmona
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