[Athen] where are you getting your accessibility info?
Terrill Thompson
tft at u.washington.edu
Mon Dec 7 12:27:08 PST 2009
Back to your original question Jennison, I subscribe to a dozen or so online discussion lists and have historically depended on three or four (including this one) for accessibility information, although on a daily basis I have come to rely on Twitter for more timely information, and these discussion lists have become a secondary resource.
If I have a specific question though, where I turn to ask that question depends partly on the nature of the question and where I think I'll find the requisite expertise, but in general I tend to feel more confident in my ability to get questions answered on discussion lists rather than through Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn, mostly because of limitations to the size of my social media network.
Terrill Thompson
Technology Accessibility Specialist
DO-IT, Accessible Technology
UW Technology Services
University of Washington
tft at u.washington.edu
-----Original Message-----
From: athen-bounces at athenpro.org [mailto:athen-bounces at athenpro.org] On Behalf Of Hadi Rangin
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 12:06 PM
To: Access Technology Higher Education Network
Subject: Re: [Athen] where are you getting your accessibility info?
Sounds like a very good way for organizing useful notes and references. Can
you tell us how accessible that application is?
Here's how I organize my stuff:
1. For online references, I bookmark them in the browser I am using at the
time. I use XMarks to synchronize all the booksmarks I have across all the
computers and browsers I am using. This will give me always access to the
up-to-date bookmarks. Clearly, I have created 100s of folders and
sub-folders over several years but they are pretty organized and structured.
2. For off-line materials or programs, I upload them in my own secure server
and can access them whenever it is needed. I usually mount the folder where
I have all my off-line files and programs onto the system I am using and can
access them either as local folder or via HTTP access. I use WebDrive
program to mount remote network drive or SAMBA when I am within my Intranet.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Shelley Haven" <shelley at techpotential.net>
To: "Access Technology Higher Education Network" <athen at athenpro.org>
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 1:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Athen] where are you getting your accessibility info?
> Hi, Susan!
> I use a digital notebook for precisely what you describe. For the Mac, I
> use Circus Ponies' NoteBook;, on the PC side, Microsoft OneNote. My
> notebooks are set up with numerous dividers (just like a 3-ring binder)
> with a couple dozen categories and subcategories. When I find something
> useful, whether it's on a webpage, in an e-mail, or some other document
> (in essence, anything digital), I highlight the text and images, then
> "clip" it to the appropriate page in my NoteBook (this can be done
> directly from the application I'm working in -- no need to open
> NoteBook). The clipped information includes a reference to the original
> material as well as a clickable link back to the source.
> Because clipping is so quick and I don't have to break my train of
> thought, I find I'm more likely to do it, and I know that that problem-
> solving tip or quotable quote will be there (and already categorized)
> when I need it. In addition, notebooks created in either NoteBook or
> OneNote can be shared publicly.
> Hope this helps,
> Shelley
> _____________________________
> Shelley Haven ATP, RET
> Assistive Technology Consultant
> Shelley at TechPotential.net
> www.TechPotential.net
> On Dec 7, 2009, at 6:13 AM, Kelmer, Susan M. wrote:
>> I am fond of email, and fond of bookmarking sites that are helpful. But
>> what I NEED is a really good database of information that is readily
>> updatable and available for me. I often see things that I think, "I
>> might need that someday" and keep the email, which then gets buried
>> after another few days of emails never to be seen again, or I bookmark a
>> site, only to "lose"/forget it in a pile of hundreds of bookmarks I
>> keep.
>> So much good information comes through on a daily basis, but I don't
>> know how/have the time to organize it in a way that would truly help me
>> the most. If someone could solve that problem, I'd be in heaven!
>> Susan Kelmer
>> Adaptive Technology Specialist/
>> Lab Coordinator, Campus Labs and Classrooms
>> St. Louis Community College - Meramec
>> 314-984-7951
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